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Happy Bypasser!

Nicola robinson

New Member
well now on my 14th day from surgery and only lost 2.5 lbs this week was a little disappointed but its better off than on eating has been no problem but going to the loo has been an issue still:sigh: I have taken some senna which did help yesterday but not before I encountered a real struggle for 25 mins before. I am drinking plenty of water in fact think I might drowned lol exercise regime is now increasing and Mr.Small said I could go swimming this week whoop whoop but do need to buy a new swimming costume.

I am so very pleased that I have had a bypass people have noticed instantly that I have lost weight which is a real confidence booster for me I look back at photos and now see what other people saw. How could I have let myself get like that. But now its onwards and upwards.

It seems That I will be starting my B12 injections in the next week ugh! read up on them and not looking forward to it, any tips please.
I'm glad to hear that you're recovering well :)
Loo problems are common as we eat so little the body clings on to it more so than when we ate a lot. Just carrying on drinking plenty of water and some fruit juices and you should be fine.
I had to have injections for 4 weeks after my op in the tummy so I'm not sure if your B12 injections are going there or somewhere else so I can't help you I'm afraid.
Hi don't worry about b12 injection, I was papping as I heard they stung but didn't feel a thing x
thats good to know lol are there any side effects?
glad to hear that all is going well for you Nicola Not long before you can go back to work obviously avoiding the ofsted debarkle
yeah feel crap that I'm not back for the dreaded ofsted but not at docs till monday and they are at Darlo then, so they will have to do with out me.
B12 jabs are no problems they take only a few seconds are not S BAD AS PEOPLE MAKE OUT. Don't stress bout them i ahve not noticed any side effects from them but go for them every 3 monthsto surgery. xx Pleased you doing ok x
thanks Chrisa feel alittle more settled now just need to sort constipation out and then everything will be ok xx
For me nothing worked for my constipation & team recommended glycerine suppositories. I was not keen eeeew! But gave in & worked in 15 minutes of application. Very cheap at local chemist. If I have to use them occasionally I stay in by the toilet. LOL good luck.
Well Nicola I am 11 months out and still have some toilet issues, the only thing that works for me is prune juice most mornings and a prune yoghurt as well most days, keep up with the water and fruit n veg, if i have all these I go ok without I don't and as you know its very uncomfortable, I have even tried sprinkling xtra bran on weetabix n other cereals but prune juice n yoghurts do it every time, just get then from asda, yoghurts are fat free n under 99 calories 1 protein, the juice i count as a fruit i get the natural sun sweet its £2 but it lasts 8 days well worth it, I find that I can now miss the odd day taking it so it is really working, best thing n its natural x
Thanks again Chrisa going to have some prune jucie now and some yoghurt hopefully it will do the trick xx