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Totally random....


I know Ive changed!
...anyone had any weird periods of elation before their operation whilst on the pre op diet?
I am just at the end of day three of the 800cal diet (jelly and oxo etc from day 7-14) and I am in such an awesome mood that I just feel so happy and elated and so totally great that I could dance.
I wouldnt call myself a miserable person but I had been so down for so long and started to feel better once I was almost seeing the surgeon and since I have its just gotten better.
I expected to be tired and icky feeling by this point of the diet (I might do by day 9-10 I guess) so to be feeling this good is amazing, probably something to do with my body not being quite so full of cr*p and the excitement of my operation being so soon but it just feels so wierd, but nice.
Anyone else been like this at this point?
Steph xx
Ooohh good luck hon, you might feel like gnawing your own arm off by the evening of day one or two but you get used to it xx
Take care xx
Steph xx
Glad you are feeling so wonderful x
I reckon that its this forum as well, being here makes me feel so at home and people understand how I feel, my hubby and family and friends are awesome but in different way, you guys know how I feel.
So I reckon its a whole bundle of things, not complaining though, just enjoying it hehe
Steph xxx

didnt wanna read and run - Good Luck
All the best MeJulie xx
Hi Steph, glad you're having a good time on the pre op, I hated it;);)I was excited for the op tho, so maybe that's what it is :D
Good luck with the rest i hope you keep feeling like this, I start a week come tue for 10 days.
Ill keep everything x for your op
Thanks Lisa and good luck with yours, I will keep my fingers crossed for you too xx
Steph xx
I felt good on mine too Stephiack I think it is the knowledge that you are on your way that you are losing weight giving your body a food rest and benefiting from it all round, and knowing that you are not too far from your op...............all very exciting and uplifting.........glad you are feeling so good

Jay xx