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Anyone feeling the cold more post bypass?


New Member
Im sitting here in a longsleeved sweater and a fur and leather gilet with sheepskin boots on and Im freezing.

Ive found over the past few months that Im really feeling the cold - now despite losing 7 1/2 stone, Im still well covered (LOL) so Im wondering if its poor circulation, a side effect of the bypass or Im just getting old - celebrated yet another birthday at the weekend ugh!

Also - Options hot chokkie drinks post bypass - yeah or nay? Cant decide!
Honestly I feel so bloody cold now compared to the hot sweaty person I was before.
I went swimming with the kids and was chattering away too even though they said I was being a baby.
I wonder if the body adapts and we get back to normal soon!
me too i am v v cold most of the time now and its driving my husband nutts as i am nagging every one to close the doors.
i would say i started feeling cold about week 5 when i had lost close to 2 stones.

thought i was going mad for a while.

sewing belle
hi hun im always cold now,i keep my home so warm and cosy you could grow bannanas x x x
In the car last night hubby and I nearly had a row because of it. I kept turning up the heater and he ended up having to open his window, which meant I had to turn the heater up even more.

In the end he pulled over, took his jumper off and made me wear it. I was freezing and still am.
yes you can have hot choc after a bypass as long as its the light ones,i've been told it takes about 2/3 years for our bodys to get its central heating fine tuned again x x x
yes you can have hot choc after a bypass as long as its the light ones,i've been told it takes about 2/3 years for our bodys to get its central heating fine tuned again x x x

Really? That is so interesting and makes sense of my feeling like its -10 and shivering.
Thanks so much ladies! My boss bought me some thermals as a birthday pressie (amongst other things!). Right am off to put my thermals on and have a large options hot chocolate and put the central heating on high!
Feeling cold is normal, I have suffered from hot sweats for the past 5 years so it is great now, i feel cold all of the time! Believe me, I am not complaining, just sat here with furry boot slippers on and a fleece wrapped around me!
yep - another one here feeling the cold and i've only lost a bit of weight compared to the rest of you.

Ive been having the highlights hot choc and have been fine with that so I'm sure you will be fine with the options.
This has been well document in earlier threads - it is a symptom that a lot of us suffer from - mine is getting better but for a while it looked like I was going to the antarctic rather than to bed! I still have the heating cranked full up (much to OH's disgust) but it is slowly getting better!
Totally - I find I get cold and then can't warm up without having a hot bath - and sometimes not even then. x
Yeppppppp!!!!!!! Ive never had cold hands or feet but I have now!
Pretty cold here too. Needed two 13.5 tog duvets to keep me warm last night. Not complaining though. Prefer cold to the sweltering hot I was pre-bypass. Can walk a lot more and a lot faster without overheating and sweating buckets. The cool weather helps with that too.
I'm a bander but wanted to say that I too, feel cold most of the time nowdays (I used to feel hot and sweaty all the time before but that changed as soon as I started my pre-op diet...). I have to sleep with several layers and usually two covers.