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Gluten/wheat free bread


Bypass on 23rd June
I've come to the conclusion that my hubby is right (it had to happen - we've been married nearly 10 years !) and I am wheat intolerant. My stomach used to be like a beach ball and since cutting out all bread on the liquid lose 5% diet, it is now all soft and squidgy like a beach ball at the end of a hard day lol.

Does anyone know which of the big supermarkets sell a decent sized wheat free bread please as my local co-op has only loaves with slices the size of a postage stamp !!

Many thanks Ang xx
The best bread is made yourself, buy the flour and the recipe is on the back. I used to make it in the breadmaker and managed to make a full loaf.
Wheat certainly makes you retain fluid, I notice when I cut it out. I have now found that if I cut it out completely then reintroduce it in small amounts i am okay so no longer need the wheat free bread. We still make our own bread daily and this does make a difference as there are no additives (except what may be in the flour)
Tesco and sainsburys. Juvela is the best - if you have it confirmed by GP, you can get it on prescription. It tends to be dearer than "normal" bread. Be careful though, gluten free bread has a higher sugar content than other breads. The loaves are smaller too. Part- baked rolls are great too.
I've come to the conclusion that my hubby is right (it had to happen - we've been married nearly 10 years !) and I am wheat intolerant. My stomach used to be like a beach ball and since cutting out all bread on the liquid lose 5% diet, it is now all soft and squidgy like a beach ball at the end of a hard day lol.

Does anyone know which of the big supermarkets sell a decent sized wheat free bread please as my local co-op has only loaves with slices the size of a postage stamp !!

Many thanks Ang xx

:wave_cry:I've been baking bread today-hubby wanted to try making rye bread-but our recipe included carraway seeds-it's not nice:(:(:(
Thank goodness I made some ordinary crusty white as well:)

However I wonder could you go down the bake your own route?
It's a bit of fun & economical but most of all....
....get a man baking & they think it IS the best thing since sliced bread:8855:
Very few people have true intolerence.Get it checked out.I had similar probs,ate about 6/8 thick slices of wholemeal virtually every day.I think the yeast in bread builds up in your body cos I had bad bloating,scalp and vaginal itching etc.All that goes when I stop eating bread.When you combine wheat,yeast and sugar what happens?It rises!Just like your tum!I have never felt so well,in the last 8 weeks no pain,bloat,ibs,headaches,snoring,breathlessness,sleep probs,vaginal itching,itchy ears and eyes,loose bowels,bad breath,low mood etc.Must be something I no longer eat to excess.I think its bread and sugar.I ate biscuits and cakes too,not chocolate.Maz x