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New Member
hi i have just had lap band op, its been a week now and not feeling too bad. im in rayleigh essex and was wondering if anyone was local to me and wanted to chat.:)
Hi just wanted to say welcome and good luck with your weight loss journey x
thank you, its early days and i know its gonna be a long journey but im ready for it!
Hey Kazzi :D

How are you feeling? I had my consultation last week and am due to have my band fitted on the 12th of jan, getting excited! x
A big friendly welcome :)
Hey there, I had mine fitted tues, so we are at roughly the same stage!
You will find lots of support here and loads of info! X
hiya, not feeling too bad thanks, its been a week now, have gone back to work, been walking the dog more and feeling really positive!
Hey Kazzi :D

How are you feeling? I had my consultation last week and am due to have my band fitted on the 12th of jan, getting excited! x

hiya, feeling ok thanks. been a week and things are going good. good luck with your band op, the time will fly:)
Hey there, I had mine fitted tues, so we are at roughly the same stage!
You will find lots of support here and loads of info! X

hiya, thanks for message, i have had a few messages, everyone seems really nice, its good to have support from people who understand:)
Hello and welcome fellow bandit x x I am Near you ( Romford) This site is gr8 x x
BlueDiamond said:
Hello and welcome fellow bandit x x I am Near you ( Romford) This site is gr8 x x

hiya and thanks for message. not too far away ! only just found site , but everyone is so friendly , it's great !