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Piccie Embedding Masterclass?


Can I sign up for this one please?

I would like to know how to put piccies on a post without just attaching them....I know there is a section for the piccies somewhere around here...I just have no idea how to use them........

No hurry....just when someone has the time.......:D

Dead easy Nicole.

Sign up for somewhere like Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

Then you can upload them onto there and it will give you the code you need to paste into the body of the message:)

If you find a piccie on the net and don't want to upload it (and it doesn't have a code)

Paste the url of the piccie then put [img ] at the beginning and [/ img] at the end of the link. (Remove the spaces)
Get some clothes on young lady:eek::eek:
:giggle:me??!! all tattooed? I don't like needles.....make me all funny!!:sigh:

Always wanted a tattoo but prob will never get one. I don't know what I'd want and then I'd probably hate it after a while. Nowhere to put it either with all my bits all wobbly!! :p

Must try the other version now.......