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How does everyone determine their weight loss?


New Member
Just interested in how everyone determines their total weight loss.

When you are working out what you have lost do you use:

1. From your heaviest pre-op weight? :eek:
2. From the start of your official liver-reducing pre-op weight?
3. From the date of your op weight?
mine is from my heaviest pre op weight.
Mine will be from what i weighed when i weighed in before i started the pre op diet.... However my provider goes from my weight when i started with them is wrong as i lost some weight before xmas last year....and they never bothered weighing me on the day of my op!!!!
Mine is from my heaviest which is also what I weighed on the day I started my pre-op! :eek:
Mine is from the day I was referred for WLS. I have been 10lbs heavier than that (so 18st 10lb) but that was about 9 months earlier than referral.
hfrom the weight in at my 1st appointment which was also my heaviest
Mines from the day I started the liver shrinking diet. I have been slightly heavier but I take it from that day :D XX
Mine is from my heaviest recorded weight. I think I was actually a stone heavier than that at one point but I record it as from the heaviest recorded weight.
Steph xx
Mines from the start of the New Year when I decided to make a change as I'd been diagnosed with diabetes, think I've been heavier than that.
Mine is from the day I got my op date, about 4 weeks pre-op, before I began my pre-op diet. But I have been about 7 pounds or so heavier, at the beginning of last year.
Mine is from the start of the liver shrinking diet which was the 1st September. In January i was 3 stone heavier so my total weight loss this year is 7 stone, but i only count from September.
Charmaine you should start it from January. You worked to get that 3 stone off so you should show it in your progress and be proud :D
Charmaine you should start it from January. You worked to get that 3 stone off so you should show it in your progress and be proud :D

i second that
Having been in denial for years and
mine is from my pre-op appointment as that was my heaviest....then shortly after that i started the pre-op diet
I measure mine from what the hospital weighed me as on the day I was accepted for surgery - which is probably when I was at my heaviest. Given that I hadn't weighed myself for decades before that I have no earlier figure to go on anyway !