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Lovelyzobo's second go! Revision diary..

I have no training at all but I'm happy to torture anyone who complains about our clinic!!!! I will be complaints manager!!
Well done Zoe :)

I'll be on reception and ban all gypsies lol,and make sure everyone gets a fill on the correct dates and they never get cancelled x
Well, weigh in today......and I've lost nothing! Didly squat since my fill a week ago.....to say I'm devastated is an understatement, I just don't get it, what I'm doing wrong?!

I'm not stuffing my face, even looking at yesterday I didn't eat rubbish ALL day and only managed a seaweed salad, 1 sushi roll and a chicken yakatori (1stick!). Just so fed up. Feel like I'm failing this band as well as my bypass.......gutted.com.

Zobo, didn't want to read and run as you have been so lovely toe when I've been struggling and I just wanted to say you CAN do this!
Are you doing the 20/20/20 rule? Do you use anything like my fitness pal? Weigh your portions and put everything on there, it'll give you an idea of the calories your eating in a day, maybe give you an idea of what's going wrong??
Good luck, I wish I could offer some real advice :-/
Oh no Zoe,you must be devastated hun x

I think maybe you should do a food diary on here and log everything for a week,you might see where your going wrong also it will keep you on the straight and narrow x
Don't know if you drink alcohol often but that can add a lot of calories x
Sorry, been at work.....

Yep drinking at least 2.5 litres a day of water etc.
meals I don't think are big (will write below average stuff)
Not much exercise as food been horrendous and also 12.5 hour shifts, and uni and life just not really getting much down time!
Alcohol, I hardly drink.....the wine the other day was the first for weeks!

Usual day.

Big mug of tea 2 rich tea. I can't eat in the morning, so breaky 10.30 ish.
Breaky: fat free yogurt, half a banana, desert spoon granola.
Lunch: 1 low fat sausage, tablespoon low fat cottage cheese, 1.5 ryvita.
Tea: like lunch, or tonight 2 heck meatballs with a tomato/pepper/onion/mushroom sauce.

Have you tried some of your neat clothes on. Or get the be tape measure out. I know we want to see the pounds drop. But sometimes when that just using happening the inches are disappearing xxxx
So yesterday.....

Brekkie: muller light, half a banana, spoon of granola.
Lunch: 1.5 ryvita, tablespoon cottage cheese, tin mackerel
Tea: 2 meatballs with homemade Tom sauce, desert spoon grated cheese.
Snacks: handful of crisps. 2 rich tea.

Drank 3 litres. X
Finding the right balance for you is hit and miss ...it's a lot easier once you know what you body likes and doesn't!! Trial and error will get you there x
I think I hit 1000 calories a day, with all of the above.....I could eat anymore at meal times. Haven't added milk there, as do have 3-4 cups of tea a day! Will keep plodding and see what this week brings, after that I will do some serious sitting down and meal planning/calorie counting.

I do have mfp but, getting up at half five, working and getting in at half eight, I'm just too knackered to sit logging all my food! Especially if it's something not on there, I just seem to make it up on there, and then there's no point in doing it! Xx
Totally agree. I think its a fab app but I know I wudnt keep it up (well I didnt woops). For me, I'm quite bad. We love our takeaways and I don't wana give them up, so I make the healthiest choice on the menu, like fooyong ( still bad I know) and then try to make up for it, like just have an apple and rice cracker for lunch. Prob slows my weight loss down but I know if I'm in this for the long haul I can't change who I am, just try and improve in ways and be food aware, If that makes sence . I do think if cals r cut too low weight loss also slows down (well that's my excuse maybe).
Keep up the good work everyone. Beach bodies by summer for everyone x