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Gastrc Band 5 hours ago


New Member
Evening all, just a quick message to say I have had my band fitted today at 2pm everything has went fine. I've been on morphine for the pain as my shoulders are killing me however I expected that due to all my mother banders on this site. I'm now on tremadol dissolvable carnt drink it as it makes me wanna throw up. However all is well and would like to thank you all you beautiful people for your support!!!

Much love xxx
Glad to hear you are all done and dusted!!

Welcome to the losers side :D xx
congratulations Sarah! let the weight loss begin! take it easy now!! xxx
Well done now small steps from hereon..don't be in a rush, take it nice n steady x
The shoulder pain will ease as you get mobile. When you go home try and have a potter around. Nothing strenuous but you will be more than capable of going into the kitchen for a drink... The wind pain is blooming awful but it does get better each day and all of a sudden one day it's gone. If you can stand it get someone to rub your back just as you would a windy baby. Deflatine mints from the chemist may also help.....

Congratulations on being on the losers bench. Now turn your pigging phone off and get some rest, you will need it for all the shopping for new clothes you are gonna do in the new year xxx
So glad it went ok you'll soon be drinking when your tummy swelling dies down also when you have tablets now try to get the small ones as they get stuck in the band but glad your ok
Congratulations on making it through to the other side! From what I hear, it's an amazing place to be :) Take it easy & get lots of rest :)
Great news congrats hun x