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OMG, OMG, OM flaming G!


New Member
Remember the "I love this dress" thread?

I ordered the 18 for christmas then because a 20 top in Evans fit me I ordered a 16. Well the 18 arrived today (the 16 probably will Monday) and it looks like I WILL need the 16 for christmas ......

PS please ignore my sexy surgical stockings lol


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Lovely dress. :D

You are good wearing your stockings, I've ditched mine already, they made my legs itch like crazy!
Id say get the 14. the 16 will be too big by Xmas
Hi Karen
yes at the rate you are going, the 16 is going to be too big by christmas hunni, i bet you are so excited! (well done on keeping up with the stockings, i ditched mine after 2 days!)
By the fit of that dress on you I would suggest a 14 for Christmas.
You are looking gorgeous by the way xx
Steph xx
Wow! go for the 14!
Well done to you!!

The dress is gorgeous but in my bestest Gok Wan voice ditch the stockings & trainers, get some glamour :8855::8855:

Seriously though, you look stunning!!
lol at least your stockings are white, mine were a dark muddy green colour, very fetching, i dont think. oh, and go for the 14, it looks great on you. but i think the 16 will be too baggy by christmas. hugs x
eeewwwww dark muddy green colour???? I hope I dont get them lol, no that the white ones are ice but come on.......green!!! :eek: x
Whoo hooo look at you, the dress looks fab, and you never know you could start another trend with those stockings.:)
wow you look fab in your new dress hun! i agree with the others i think the size 14 should be on order for xmas! well done so far hun xxx
u look fab and i think deffo the 14, have u weighed urself since op? how much u lost? lovely dress ur gonna look great in that for christmas xxx
Ha ha thanks everyone. I'm actually becoming quite attached to my surgical stockings lol.

I think I'll stick with the 16 but thank you all so much for your confidence. It's a stretchy material and the 18 was very tight. So hopefully the 16 will look nice and slinky.