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Calories post bypass


New Member
hi all
Does anyone know the amount of calories i should be eating post bypass?
is there a minimum and maximum
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Had this question recently on another thread so I have pasted my reply here for you.

As I always say it best to check with your own dietician if you are in doubt of your instructions. I can offer you my opinion/experiences if that might help.

Your main focus as a bypasser should be on getting enough nutrients daily to keep you healthy while burning fat. The best way to do that in my opinion is to focus on protein as 50% of your diet. At the early post-op stage I have found that people don't need to count calories but rather make sure they are getting 4-6 servings of protein throughout the day. Once you have managed to get your protein up, you can set a caloric goal if you find that easier. But remember as long as you are eating enough daily to stay out of starvation mode, calorie counting isn't needed.

Here is a guideline for calories per day if you find it useful:

In the first 3 months around 400-600 calories per day which 50% should be protein.

From 3-6 months 500-700 cals per day, again 50% protein.

From 6 months to 1 year post-op, 800-1000 cal per day.

Between year one and two you should be able to reach a calorie intake of 1200 per day.

Again at every stage your protein should be 50% of your diet until you reach over 1000 cals then your protein should be about 40% of your diet.

I hope that helps but I do urge you to consult your own team to get advice if you feel unsure, they are the professionals after all and may have completely different advice!

Hi Julie,

I haven't been told to watch the calories at all. However, i am watching the fat, but to be honest by the time i take all the meds and my movicol, i'm grateful to get what I can down!! I eat as many small meals as I can, this can be a fromage frais or some soup.

I wouldn't worry too much to begin with, maybe later on when my weight slows and i'm eating solids i'l take more notice. xx