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doomed to fail...


New Member
What the hell is wrong with me???

I'm on the list for a sleeve gastrectomy and feel so lucky for that and know that cutting down is going to help me with the op etc but can i do it?? NO!!:(

I'm a complete failure at cutting down never mind dieting. My portions are too big and i'm eating loads of crap. If i can't take hold now then whats gonna change when i have the surgery. It's really getting to me, i would love just to lose a stone, even that would help.
What did you all do leading up to your op...???
Hi Sarah
I am exactly the same I just can not get my head set right to cut down. Every day I start with good intensions and it goes out the window . I have to lose a stone by june 21st.

its ridiculous as I know exactly what I should be doing and time is passing me by. I am just not convinced yet this operation will ever happen and I feel stressed which doesn't help.

I hope you nail it soon Sarah. do you have a date or at least any vague idea of when you will be done?

I'm the same maddie, i'm stressed about a few things at the moment.

xX Welcome to the site by the way Xx

I get so frustrated at myself for being so weak. Why is what we put in our mouths such a big deal...God i hate food at times x
I managed to eat healthily for about 5 days but have since eaten little but chocolate and crisps. Maybe it's because we know the day is coming when we can't have all the junk again. I've decided to forget about trying to lose weight pre-op but try to make sure that at least two of my three meals per day are healthy ones.
Its hard sticking to diets, I know I have to and have cut out suppers apart from a cup of soup and cut out bread and crisps although I slipped at weekend and had 2 slices. Chocolate is my downfall especially when its the wrong time of the month, I have to have something sweet so froze some grapes last week but it didnt help much so I got a small bowl of chocolate ice cream to help the urge. If I slip I start again the next day I havent stood on the scales yet this week so dont know if I have lost anything this week.. Good Luck Sarah its not easy but we will get there in the end. xx
Hi Maddie and welcome x
when i found out about my op date, i went on a massive food binge! Ate all of my favourite foods - i guess saying good bye! As soon as it got to my pre-op diet though, i behaved and followed the rules. Post op you just wont want to eat all the crap you did before, really :)

You're not a failure and i imagine lots of people will be doing the same thing x
Hi i was the same eat eat eat, my surgeon told me if i did not lose 1/2 stone before my opp he would not be doing it, that was what i needed i was so scared they would not do it i lost the weight. try the milk diet to give you a kick start, good luck.
With the best will in the world, our subconscious knows the time will come when we won't be able to eat like we did pre op and so is making you say yes to everything. Instead of saying NO to everything just tell yourself you are going to have 1 treat a day and you won't be having it until after your evening meal. I found if i had my treat during the day then after dinner when i wanted something sweet i had it, hence more treats...

You can do it Sarah, xxx
wishing you all the best, i too was scared incase i hadnt lost enough weight, what i did when i recieved my pre-op diet i was to start that ten days before, instead of doing that i decided to start 17 days before op giving me a seven day head start plus i did some swimming each day and that helped me lose the weight i needed, believe me if you want the op as much as i would imagine you too then you will find the will to get the weight off, just see this as your only chance to that healthy lifestyle you so want. good luck xxx
It is hard I know, and it’s difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes – this is why this forum is so valuable ~ it details others experience both good and bad.

I craved spicy and savoury foods but managed to successfully change to salad for a few weeks pre-op. Remember the more you lose now the safer the op will be and the quicker the recovery time. Also I understand that some surgeons won’t operate unless you successfully complete the pr-op weight management requirements.

It might be prudent to sort you cupboards out and get rid of temptation – yep, throw it all in the bin.

Don't worry about post - op you won’t want the goodies then !

Good luck xx
When I was waiting for my op, I decided to NOT put myself under pressure to lose weight, but at the same time not gain any either. So I just went along with my life, as I normally would, without cutting back on anything dramatically nor eating everything under the sun! Once I got my pre-op appointment and things were getting closer, I started eating healthier in preparation for the pre-op diet. I knew in my heart that couldn't go through any more failures in the months of waiting, dieting, losing, then gaining - it's soul destroying and I just couldn't do it anymore (hence the surgery!)

I say don't drive yourself crazy about losing weight now. If you want to make a change, just eliminate one or two things from your diet completely, and see what effect that has. I got rid of my daily lattes and replaced them with fruit teas - things like that. Small stuff, that's easy to implement and yet can have a big effect on your daily calorie intake.

Obviously if your team have given you a target or percentage to lose before being considered for surgery, then you need to work towards that. I know that the more you lose beforehand, the safer the surgery. But sometimes (for me anyway) losing LOADS beforehand was just not something I could accomplish, no matter how much I wanted the op. I lost a stone on my 2 week pre-op diet.

Good luck, chin up!
I can understand how you feel, I was exactly like you, then i got put on the milk diet for 4 weeks and really worried about my results, but was amazed that I had achieved 7.2% body loss when the required amount was 5%.

From that day I decided that I didnt want to put anymore on as that was so hard and I have read lots of posts on here to help me so far.

Some changes I have made, much to my suprise is, a smaller plate and fill it up with vegtables more than potatoes etc. I also now conciously count my chewing and make myself chew each mouthful at least 20 times before I swallow the food.

I now have yogurts in the fridge at home, where I didnt before - not only are they healthy, but it takes me about 10 mins to eat them, so that takes my mind off the hunger etc.

As I'm a sales manager, my worse bad habit , was calling into a fast food chain for burger and chips, I now dont carry any cash on me and leave my debit card at home so I cant get any fast food if I want it. I do however now bring a packed lunch of sandwiches and fresh fruit, together with 2 litres of water to drink during the day, then just have a light dinner when I get home at night.

We have/are all been where you are, but trust me you will get there, and now I actually am enjoying life so much more now I have lost over 2 stone, allowing me to walk with the family etc

You have many friends here that will encourage you and spur you on.

Set yourself a reachable goal, not a stone, but how about 5 lb in a month, then change the goal when you have reached it?
I was exactly the same as all of you pre-ops i couldnt get my head around how to loose the weight before the the pre-op diet and like deets i was one of those who went out and scoffed all the fav foods.
However when my first op date came through and i was give one week to loose as much weight as possible i was heart broken when the surgeon turned me away on the day (there was other reasons but the weight didnt help as i was bigger than my intial assesment)
Then when i got 3 weeks to do the milk diet (2nd round) I lost 19lbs and stuck to it religously and it worked.
I had the sleeve done just over a week ago and my food cravings are no more and im never hungry my attitude to food has changed so much in such a short space of time and im sure it will be the same for all of you. Good luck everyone xxx
Don't be so hard on yourself if it was so easy not to eat we wouldn't need this surgery. Once you have your opp make sure you stick to the rules you will be fine, good luck.
When I was waiting for my op, I decided to NOT put myself under pressure to lose weight, but at the same time not gain any either. So I just went along with my life, as I normally would, without cutting back on anything dramatically nor eating everything under the sun! Once I got my pre-op appointment and things were getting closer, I started eating healthier in preparation for the pre-op diet. I knew in my heart that couldn't go through any more failures in the months of waiting, dieting, losing, then gaining - it's soul destroying and I just couldn't do it anymore (hence the surgery!)

I say don't drive yourself crazy about losing weight now. If you want to make a change, just eliminate one or two things from your diet completely, and see what effect that has. I got rid of my daily lattes and replaced them with fruit teas - things like that. Small stuff, that's easy to implement and yet can have a big effect on your daily calorie intake.

Obviously if your team have given you a target or percentage to lose before being considered for surgery, then you need to work towards that. I know that the more you lose beforehand, the safer the surgery. But sometimes (for me anyway) losing LOADS beforehand was just not something I could accomplish, no matter how much I wanted the op. I lost a stone on my 2 week pre-op diet.

Good luck, chin up!
Thanks chick..i haven't been asked to lose any weight before my op but just felt that at 32 stone a couple of stone off would benefit me. You are right hun,i'm not going to worry about it and keep plodding on. I'm going to start having my branflakes every morning (which i do enjoy) and give the toast and bacon etc a rest. Hopefully this small change will be beneficial x
Did you lose weight during your weight management hun??
I lost about 8 pounds hun...not very good really in 6 months x
I haven't lost any weight at all in the 14 months since referral so don't worry about it.
Don't worry yorkiegal, We'll crack this weight loss malarky one day lol x