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I feel so cr@p :'(


New Member
I am feeling so fed up at the moment...I was doing really well - I had worked really hard at my physio and had been going to the gym twice a week and had been able to say goodbye to my crutches and was doing lots and lots of walking.
I have got a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome type 3/Hypermobility Syndrome and everything allover my body is very hypermobile, but the syndrome bit is the pain side of it and I am in pain 24/7 and I need to keep my muscles as strong as possible- I was doing this by going to the gym twice as week and keeping as active as possible...I have just been on holiday to Palma and did lots of walking when I was on holiday, walking along the front and around all the side streets...it was a lovely holiday and I did really well on the eating side of things too, the hotel we stayed at had a buffet to choose from so I could have what I liked- I had toast with laughing cow for breakfast, and for lunch I had half a tuna baguette without butter to get my protein and for tea we ate at the hotel again and I had chicken or fish with salad, maybe some potatoes but I could eat really healthily which totally rocked...life was on the up really!!
A few night ago though, I was lying in bed and all I did was moove slightly and ended up hurting myself...my doctor thinks it is SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) which could make sense because I have lost a lot of weight so could have lost muscle tone too. A lot of pregnant women get SPD because everything loosens up to prepare for the birth...I don't need a pregnancy for things to loosen up in me though!!
It is extremely painful though and it is getting me down...it is the right side that is the worst- it is so painful when I move/put weight through it so it is just a nightmare getting comfy!! I am just trying distraction techniques....my physio is coming round later...I have to admit though it is harder to stay on track with this going on- I have eaten some biscuits that I bought back for someone- they where just calling me!!
from a very fed up lizzie :(:(:(
I had this with all 3 pregnancies
I hope it gets better xxx
I am so sorry you are feeling down hun. I had SPD with my daughter and it is really painful I know. Physio was the only thing that helped. Walking is good as well. :hug:
Sorry Lizzie that you are suffering:(. Have no experience with the kind of pain you are in but wanted to offer you a (((hug))) and to wish for you to feel better soon. It is tough when you are suffering to not turn to comfort foods, I mean we all do it sometimes. Just try to keep your mind active if you can't get your body active. Read a funny book, call a friend, send e-mails to people you haven't talked to in a while, flip through a glossy mag and imagine yourself in one of those slinky dresses someday soon. Just try not to let the food win, you are in charge not it!

Hope you feel better soon,
Sorry your not feeling so good - i have fibromyalgia and i have pain all over my body 24/7 too. I usually use hot water bottles, my friend bought me a dinky small one for Christmas and it is great as you can put it right on the spot - also hot baths too. Try and relax (i know easier said than done) but when your tense you feel the pain more. Hope your feeling better soon x
Hi chick sorry your feeling down and in pain. I have never experienced the pain you are feeling but I do know what its like to wake every morning in pain. Be strong chick you will get through this...((hugs))...xx
I am really sorry your feeling crappy and in a lot of pain, It must be awfull for you, But just wanted to send you a (((BIG HUG)))
I really do hope you start to feel better real soon.
Keep ya chin up hun, You have done so well. xxx
just want to say as a fibromyalgia sufferer how sorry i am to hear about the pain you are in, pain 24/7 really takes it out of you even though it is hard to believe there is pain 24/7 and it takes over your life. :(
i also suffered with spd during my pregnancies and know how awful that is, nothing you do can ease it. hope the physio helps and keep on top with the pain relief. sending gentle big hugs your way and hope your pain eases for you soon x
ooo halve me - we could be fibromyalgia twinnies lol (you have to laugh otherwise you'd cry). I've had it since 2000 and in the last 2 years i have deteriorated and i'm hoping (fingers crossed) that by having my op and once the weight comes off i will have a better quality of life. How long have you suffered with it? This place is brill you meet loadz of nice people and you learn so much!!!!!

As a post-op fibro I can reassure you topsy that it does get easier! However, it doesn't cure it (booo). I've had one major flare since the op, and it knocked me for six!
I know it won't go away but to have some relief would be nice - just have to keep smiling
ooo halve me - we could be fibromyalgia twinnies lol (you have to laugh otherwise you'd cry). I've had it since 2000 and in the last 2 years i have deteriorated and i'm hoping (fingers crossed) that by having my op and once the weight comes off i will have a better quality of life. How long have you suffered with it? This place is brill you meet loadz of nice people and you learn so much!!!!!

you are right you learn so much on here!! i always felt very alone with my fm but when you get on the internet and sites like these it makes you feel betterknowing you are not alone. im also hoping my quality of life will improve once i get some weight off and have just started to come out of a 6month flare up:cry:. i was diagnosed in 2006 but think i have had it for a lot longer than that when i looked into it.

hope you are feeling a bit better today but as we know eveyday is different. take care xx
I suffered with this when pregnant and used a pillow when i was in bed between my legs it helped alot they also whated to give me a tummy belt. I did not try this but it is good i have been old by others hope this helps.
So so sorry you are having such a rough time know that pain you are having lizzie and it is miserable
Lots of good suggestions and support from these lovely ladies
I found the pillow between the legs good too it took some of the pressure off
But whatever try and relax and hope you feel better soon
As phat girl says dont let the food control you do something else instead or have a nice hot cup of something instead

Love nhugs Jay xx
Hiya Everyone,
Thank you for all your lovely messages, this is such a supportive forum- you all totally rock!!
I am going into my local community hospital on monday for some re-hab...I just hope they take all my nutritional needs on board. I met some of you at the Birmingham meet today and it was lovely to put faces to names and the advice and tips that I picked up was invaluable. It was a real wake up call about my diet though--I need to be having 60g of protein a day which was a real shock to find out because I haven't been having anything near that!! I need to start being really mindful about what I am eating and become a real protein freak, because at the moment my body feels so weak-- we have bought some protein milkshake powder and some protein shots recommended by HC and PG.
Anyway thanks again for your messages- you all rock!!:happy096:
Xxx em xxX
So glad that you came today & I really am happy to see how much more positive you seem. Post-op bypass eating really is all managable you just have to take control which by the sounds of it you are on your way! I wish you the most success with your rehab, please let us know how you get on. We care about you hun, so make sure you come and update us here.

Also, please feel free to PM if you would like to chat. It helps to have a friendly ear sometimes when things get tough. Don't go it alone if you don't have to.


p.s. - thought your mum was lovely, you have a diamond there!
Lizzie Nic is on my facebook list, so if you two haven't already added eachother you can find on me :)
Hey there... Big hugs to you, must be hideous to be in that level of pain. I feel quite ashamed about the kind of things I moan about when I read what others are dealing with...

I also had SPDwith both pregnancies. I got a special surgical belt which sits around the pelvic girdle and REALLY helps... I got mine from a physio, but am sure you could find one online or ask your doctor to refer you.

Little things, like having a plastic bag on the seat of the car to allow you to swivel into it, also helped... asking for help pulling legs on to the bed etc..... but physio and the exercises they gave helped the most.

Hope you find some relief...
lizzie would it be helpful if you printed out a couple of the treads about what people eat post op and take them into hospital with you. also ask to speak to the dietition or kitchen manager to make sure they know exactly what your diet entails. im hopless hence the name at navigating around the site but im sure someone would point you in the right direction.