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I Knew It Was All Going Too Well!!!


No regrets!!
Well, 4 months post bypass surgery and I have felt a little discomfort and niggling in my side for about 2 weeks, so today I paid a little visit to Luton & Dunstable Hospital, to see if they could shed any light. My lovely surgeon Mr Jambulingam wasn't available, but I saw Mr Barreca instead - who thinks I might have been so efficient in losing my 'corset of fat' that I have unwittingly uncovered a hernia that had probably been there for years, waiting to pop out! It is not at the operation site but on my left hand side, and he thinks it was only my fat that had been holding it in. :eek:

So now I have to have a high-intensity ultrasound, a CT scan and another visit to the surgeon to see if I need another op!! GRRRRR It was all going too well!! :mad:
snagglepuss said:
Well, 4 months post bypass surgery and I have felt a little discomfort and niggling in my side for about 2 weeks, so today I paid a little visit to Luton & Dunstable Hospital, to see if they could shed any light. My lovely surgeon Mr Jambulingam wasn't available, but I saw Mr Barreca instead - who thinks I might have been so efficient in losing my 'corset of fat' that I have unwittingly uncovered a hernia that had probably been there for years, waiting to pop out! It is not at the operation site but on my left hand side, and he thinks it was only my fat that had been holding it in. :eek:

So now I have to have a high-intensity ultrasound, a CT scan and another visit to the surgeon to see if I need another op!! GRRRRR It was all going too well!! :mad:

Aaww bloody hell sounds painful! I hope it gets sorted ASAP hun xxx

Sent from my HTC Hero using WLSurgery
arhh hun xx... big Rayne Hugs to ya... i have a stomach hernia.. was hoping the surgeon could fix it when they did my bypass but the were unable to, but it doesnt cause me any pain x but i did have a hernia op a few years ago... nothing to worry about xx
The thing is Toni, it's not painful, apart from the rare odd twinge as if I've got a stitch!! It's more a sensation of a pulling feeling, almost as if someone had stuck the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner against my side (I know that's weird but it's the only way I can describe the feeling!!!)
Thanks Rayne, having had so much success with the slow cooker thread, maybe we can start up a support group for hernias!!!! :8855:
snagglepuss said:
The thing is Toni, it's not painful, apart from the rare odd twinge as if I've got a stitch!! It's more a sensation of a pulling feeling, almost as if someone had stuck the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner against my side (I know that's weird but it's the only way I can describe the feeling!!!)

I think I may have one but won't know till my op or till I lose weight :S .... do you need another op to fix it then? Xxx

Sent from my HTC Hero using WLSurgery
I have no idea until they do the ultrasound and the CT scan - depending on what they find they may choose to operate, or to leave it for now and see how it goes. Or they might find it's not a hernia at all, but Mr Barreca thinks it probably is, having had a good grope about today!!
snagglepuss said:
I have no idea until they do the ultrasound and the CT scan - depending on what they find they may choose to operate, or to leave it for now and see how it goes. Or they might find it's not a hernia at all, but Mr Barreca thinks it probably is, having had a good grope about today!!

Ah I see :S I hope it settles down or gets fixed soon! Xx

Sent from my HTC Hero using WLSurgery
Thanks!! I will post in here as things progress. The surgeon's assistant has already emailed my GP so my next step is to see him on wednesday for a chat about the forthcoming scans.
snagglepuss said:
Thanks!! I will post in here as things progress. The surgeon's assistant has already emailed my GP so my next step is to see him on wednesday for a chat about the forthcoming scans.

Yeah do post your progress! Xx

Sent from my HTC Hero using WLSurgery
I had a hiatus hernia that my surgeon repaired as a BOGOF with my sleeve lol, supposedly it has cured my long term cough; not sure that it has yet...
i have a very large epigastric hernia which is where the muscle seperates from the tummy button up to the ribs, this was caused during pregnanacy by my massive babies!! Now I am losing weight it's more noticeable, my tummy bulges more above the waist than below! I look odd. x
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Good luck with it. Get it sorted and have a clear way forward.
Lynne x
gawd! bless ya, hope its sorted soon honey :) at least if u have an op it wont be as bad as wls :) xxx
I think it just emphasises how well you are doing, keep going - i think you are all doing so well, ( i am struggling big time)

Im sure a weenie hernia op will be fine after the biggie with the bypass - dont worry Snaggle puss you are doing great. xx
That sounds like a total nightmare - hope you get sorted asap x
Thanks everyone!! I'm not too worried about it as it proves that the fat is going away!!! It's got to be a tiny op compared with the bypass, so even if I have to have one, the only thing that will stress me is having the cannula put in (I'm a dreadful baby about anything going in the back of my hand for some strange reason!!)
Hope it is a simple fix hun xxx