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New Member
Thankyou all so much for the concern while I've not been here. I'm home now and hopefully on the mend but going to be a little scarce for a few days as I'm trying to rest and get better. Will be back getting on your nerves soon though.


Thankyou all so much for the concern while I've not been here. I'm home now and hopefully on the mend but going to be a little scarce for a few days as I'm trying to rest and get better. Will be back getting on your nerves soon though.
Welcome back thinkbethin. Take it nice and easy and when your good and ready you can fill us all in.

Take care hun Xx Phoebe
Thankyou all so much for the concern while I've not been here. I'm home now and hopefully on the mend but going to be a little scarce for a few days as I'm trying to rest and get better. Will be back getting on your nerves soon though.
Good to have you back. Rest up and look after yourself and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Im soooo glad your okay!
i'm sorry ive not been around on here much to comment on the threads about you, but ive been a wee bit under the weather.
i hope you recover quickly and everything crossed for that.
take it easy please!!!

Glad your back Gaynor - you have been sorely missed. Hope you are now on the road to a speedy recovery and your also a newbie on the losers bench!!!!

Sending hugs with fairy dust to make you sparkle x
God to have you back Gaynor, and you do not get on our nerves lol now don't forget rest , rest, gentle movement more rest... and lots gripe water/peppermint tea
So pleased to hear your back home,take it easy and make sure you rest please.
Hope you have your bell kept handy,i am sure Terry will look very fetching in a apron lol.

(((( HUGS ))))

Glad ur home hun. Hope ur feeling better soon xxx
welcome back gaynor, ive only just got your text as well, rest up and take it easy x

liz x