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Im joining a GYM!!


I WILL look like this!!
Surprisingly a feel very motivated at the moment, so went to the leisure centre today, and enquired. Girl was so nice, told her about my op, and she showed me round. £28 a month (which im going for) or £5.10 a session (work out more expensive) includes unlimited anytime gym use, classes, sauna and swim.

So when my LO goes to nursery on mon, tues, and thurs, ill be hitting the gym. In a fortnight...6wks after op!
:whacky068: :character00116:
Thanks, i do feel motivated (not sure how long it will last tho, but hoping the result will spur me on) i want to maximise my weight loss. Lost 3st so far, and want to tone up my arms, tummy and legs too. Im still young so hopefully if i work hard, i wont have as much loose skin.
Brilliant FedUp! That is a mega motivated thing to do. I need to start toning too. My arms seem to have melted downwards.
Hi Fed up - i'm going to be a bit controversial here, firstly though its great that you've got the motivation to go out and exercise as its long term the key to success, exercise of some form coupled with a healthy balanced diet !

I find the gym really really boring ! i do use a gym, but for me its free, i have to really work hard to get my butt in there to do anything and i find it dead boring.......I do however do a lot of exercise, but its in ways that i enjoy, i've discovered a love for fell walking and re discovered mountain biking again, and i try and swim whenever i can, but the gym i really struggle with !

So my point to you is this - yes go and try the gym and see how you go, but dont commit yourself to paying out big bucks until you know that you enjoy going and will use the gym all the time to get your moneys worth....... you never know you might be like lots of others starting with great intentions and find it boring and repetative like me and never go again, key thing for me is to find an exercise thats fun, enjoyable and family orientated !

Just my thoughts though !
thanks SS. The contract is 3 months, and i suppose that keeps me motivated to keep going. I did join a gym back in 2004 and lasted a few months, but this time its different, because i am going to get results, and i also feel the endorphins will help with my depression, and just getting out there will help with my anxiety.

Like i say, its just a 3month contract, so if i give up, its not too bad. Plus, my son gets free swimming, as do i, so we will go as a family at the weekend, with only my hubby to pay for. I understand what u mean tho, i always have good intentions, and usually fall at 1st hurdle! Hopefully not this time! x
thanks SS. The contract is 3 months, and i suppose that keeps me motivated to keep going. I did join a gym back in 2004 and lasted a few months, but this time its different, because i am going to get results, and i also feel the endorphins will help with my depression, and just getting out there will help with my anxiety.

Like i say, its just a 3month contract, so if i give up, its not too bad. Plus, my son gets free swimming, as do i, so we will go as a family at the weekend, with only my hubby to pay for. I understand what u mean tho, i always have good intentions, and usually fall at 1st hurdle! Hopefully not this time! x

Thats cool, 3 months is long enough to work out if you like it and want to comit to more, if not then as you say its only small amount to lose, hopefully this time you'll stay motivated and keep going, exercise speeds up your metabolism and you'll find losing body fat will come easier.
I have procurred a bicycle today and cycled home from the shop....

Its a great feeling, motivation...good on you Fedup ;):D:D
Good for you. the gym really helped me when i reached a plateau and now i go four times a week. i have to force myself and at £60 a month isn`t cheap(central london prices... ho hum...) but makes me feel guilty if i miss it. i love running on the treadmill, hate running outdoors, weird !!! but if they have powerplates at your gym, get an induction, because they are totaly amazing !!!! and shift and tone up wherever you want. Good luck xx
Well done you
I joined a gym Last April 13 months ago and I love it. I go as many times a week as I can which can be 1 2 3 4 or 5 depending on how I feel or how my mum feels about minding my youngest.
I have lost 2 stone and feel fab so far and hope that it will help after I have had my band too.
I love walking to but dont really walk much other than school and back 4 times a day !
I feel fab when I have been 40 - 60 mins of sweating
Hope you keep it up, it gives you confidence
thank u everyone!
Have you asked your Doctor about a free membership for the Gymn? It is a 12 week course with a personal trainer and if it proves a success it can be extended another 12 weeks and so on...
I have been told by my Doc to come back post-op and she will refer me to my local Gymn...these Gymns are council run. Its worth a try, it could be your 12 week trial, if you don't like it then its cost you nothing.
This membership is for people who have health related Obesity, high BMI, and illness that a healthy lifestyle would benefit, for e.g my Daughter has been told she has an 85% chance she has MS (still awaiting diagnosis) she can have a membership free, but hasn't yet applied.
Good luck anyway, and well done with your weight loss so far.
It seems you are in a good and positive place now and it's good to hear you have sorted the chewing thing too - Well done looking forward to hearing more of your new life on the losers bench
Have you asked your Doctor about a free membership for the Gymn? It is a 12 week course with a personal trainer and if it proves a success it can be extended another 12 weeks and so on...
I have been told by my Doc to come back post-op and she will refer me to my local Gymn...these Gymns are council run. Its worth a try, it could be your 12 week trial, if you don't like it then its cost you nothing.
This membership is for people who have health related Obesity, high BMI, and illness that a healthy lifestyle would benefit, for e.g my Daughter has been told she has an 85% chance she has MS (still awaiting diagnosis) she can have a membership free, but hasn't yet applied.
Good luck anyway, and well done with your weight loss so far.

i asked the girl at the gym, and they said they dont do it at this centre (its council too) and the nearest one is sheffield. which is a lil bit to far to go, and awkward parking when i just wanna nip there and back while LO is at nursery. Thanks though xx