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Is it a chore?


New Member
I am just over 3 weeks post-op &, is it just me, or is everything just 'such a chore'? Do you know what I mean ... walking, doing stuff, sleeping, what to eat, what not to eat, meals, medication ... such a chore!! :confused:

(So ends my wee whinge! :wave_cry:)
It gets easier ;) Just concentrate on the weight you're losing and that should help you to keep things in perspective :)
i remember when i had my gall bladder out yr ago when i was 25 how much energy everything seemed to take I ended up with a 10 inch scar due to my gall bladder being so inflamed in infected. At the end of the day you have had major surgery and every ones body reacts in a different way. I set myself a goal of going for a walk everyday but each day went a bit futher. Initially i just walked around the block the next day i did 2 and so on I was back at work as a school matron on light duties and driving at 4 weeks still very tired but recovering.
Listen to yr body but by doing a little easy exercise you realise seratonin which lifts the mood and makes thing feel easier to do.

Hope that helps
It does get easier everything feels such hard work because your calorie intake is down and the feel good factor from food isn't there anymore. your body is still recovering too. Give yourself time to adjust and you will feel a million dollars! x
It isn't really an energy-thing just "I can't be bothered" kind of thing! What's that saying, 'this too will pass', ha! I keep remnding myself, just have to get through the first 6 months or so & then I'll wonder what all the fuss was about!!