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Hello everyone! I downloaded this app on my android phone a few weeks ago and have been reluctant to participate but I just recieved a phone call from my surgery center letting me know that my insurance has approved my surgery! Even though I've been waiting for this, I was a little nervous about it. I am scheduled to go into surgery the second week of April. For the most part this has been a private journey for me. I have told hardly anyome of my decision. And it has taken me a whole year to get to this date. I would really like to know what I can expect coming out of the proceedure. I know I will be on a liquid diet in the beginning but how will I know when to begin transitions? What will my body feel like? More energy, pain, emotionally, physically??? I want to know how soon will I start to see a change and when will I be finished transforming? When can I expect to see improved health matters like my high blood pressure and sleep apthena.
A little bit about myself is I am 31 a divorced father of 2 and I am 285 lbs. I have never been thin, so I can not say that I am doing this to get back into my glory days body, this is what I know it always has been. But I know that it is not a reflection of what I am. I have never enjoyed the body I have been trapped inside, but I never let on that it was my prison. After my seperation, I decided I had to be a healthier person, I have stopped smoking, made routine doc appointments, was diagnosed with sleep apthena and thats when I wanted to make this change.
Like I said before I am usually very private, I keep to myself in many regards but I need to reach out to this support, to know that someone can understand what I will be facing. If anyone can help me along this exciting step I would be really greatful. And if not, thanks for at least reading this post. Cheers!
Hi and welcome to the forum. Gosh so many questions!
I had my bypass 7 months ago today. I felt quite weak, tired and nauseous for about the first 6 weeks. After that things began to get better, though I have had some complications.

All providers vary their regimes, so your best bet is to follow your provider's regime in regard to the different food stages. Other than that, how you will know is to learn to 'listen' to what your body is telling you. Especially in regard to when you are full. Over-eating will lead to discomfort or even pain,or nausea or vomiting. Likewise eating fatty or high sugar foods will take you into problems and is best to be avoided. But I hope your provider has told you all of this already?

So far since August 2010, I've lost 71 pounds post-op and a further 13 pounds pre-op. I'm not a 'fast' loser. I'm beginning to feel a little like Sleeping Beauty waking up after her 100 years sleep! Life suddenly feels like it has much more to offer. That is both emotionally and physically, and actually the two are very closely linked.

Please continue to post and read and we will try to help and support you as much as we can.
Grace xxx
Thanks for checkin my post out, I have a lot of questions and have been doin some research online, I just wish I could fast forward and know whats coming. Anticapation is a killer, but at least it my weight wont be anymore! Cheers!