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Hi there my name is Joe I am currently in hospital in the UK and have been for 2 weeks.
I came in 7 weeks ago for a band, which was a fail, so came back in 2 weeks ago
For a bypass which was a success but got infection. So now I'm stuck here with a tube up my nose sucking out all this nasty stuff from my stomach till it heals and I am getting a food supplement straight into my lower intestine. I have been nil by mouth for 2 weeks now. Anybody else had a similar story I would like to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I do hope to find some useful info and advice here.

Aw you poor thing, I bet you are really fed up! Ive not heard of anyone having this complication from surgery but I might be wrong. Im sure if anyone can help they will be along soon. Hope you feel better soon and can restart your weightloss journey :D XX
Hi Jolo sorry you are sick i cant help but you will get some great answers on this site, it will at least cheer you up x
Hi Jolo welcome to WLS, I am sorry to hear you have been so poorly, I do hope it all starts to resolve soon for you.
Hi Joe,

Do hope you are soon feeling much better and are able to get sorted out... it's really great to meet you and if we can offer any support, we will try and we are here... sending the warmest wishes to you and hoping everything has a really happy outcome... please keep in touch with us all...

Love and hugs xxx
:)Hi Joe, (good name) welcome to the forum:)

Your wls journey sounds very unusual-
can you fill us in on more details about your ops

Then people who've been in similar circumstances may be able to advise

Good luck for your healing