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Sexy or not, i'm having some!


New Member
Like the title says, sexy or not, i'm having some! For my birthday/christmas i'm asking for warm socks and woolies to keep me warm! I don't care if himself thinks they are unattractive or unsexy, my toes are flipping freezing. My fingers are so cold i'm considering putting my gloves on!

Think i may have to put the heating on soon :( :( xx
im having some tonight but its certaintly not warm winter wooleys!!!!! ;)
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Its all the weight we have lost/loosing i have been having the heating on for the last 2 weeks hubby is walking around practically naked. He car'nt beleive how cold i get.:eek::eek:
my heating has been on and off for weeks now, im quite immobile, so as well as losing weight, i dont move around much, ive always been a very warm person, and up until recently had hot sweats a lot of the time, i was always ruddy faced too, now my girls keep telling me im pale. amazing what a bit of replumbing can do isnt it, lol
Hahaha... I wear bed socks all year around... you can tell how many years I've been married and I'm told I'm red hot in bed... thanks to my flannelette nightie... (hubby has to have the fan on all night says I'm like a furnace).

I'm also told that I'm good in bed because I get 8 hours sleep...

Haha... I'm more interested in my bed socks than anything as I prepare for bed... haha... could not live with out them!

Love and hugs xxx
Hate having cold feet, its the worst thing, always seem to be cold since the op, but thats not a bad thing means our bodies have to burn even more calories to keep us warm xxx
I cant stand socks on in bed,I hate my feet being covered aswell :D xx
I always used to be a 'hottie' too, it will be interesting to see whether I end up an 'Ice Maiden' in the next few weeks!!! I know my hands & feet were terribly cold when I was on the liver-shrinking diet....doesn't bode well for me, I think!
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ohhh i cant wait to be cold....
I am sweating all the time....in winter I wear vest tops...
sorry but I am never going to wear socks in bed!!!! just the thought is ikky!!!
I cannot wait for this op....!!!!
:)Go for it:)
-Leggins are back in fashion
-well they are in my house!
Ladies you can tell me till your blue in the face how you won't be approaching warm furry things to keep you warm in bed.... I used to be the same, i'd be stark naked when it was in the minus degrees cos i was warm enough under my quilt... Not anymore, the other night i realised i hadn't got my nightie on and jumped out of bed. Trev thought something was up, he p'd himself laughing when he saw me rooting for a warm nightie....

It will come girls, get ready for it :) xx
Hahahaha... Julie, I'm there all ready.

Still got coal fires in our old house in Wales plus we burn logs... there is nothing like getting my pyjamas on and bed socks .... even in the summer...

I've had cold feet (but hopefully a warm heart) for as long as I can remember, exasperated through the circulation issues and diabetes...

Love and hugs, get snug as a bed bug girls xxx