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The Lovebugs Lap Band Diary - I GOT THE JOB !!! YIPEEEEE!!

Hi Livvy,

It's great to catch up on all your news. I'm also in the same boat as you with very little restriction and not much change on the scales. We all know this is normal for the first few weeks before getting the band filled but it still messes with the mind doesn't it!

All the changes you are making are getting you so much healthier. Swimming every day is so so good for you - toning you as you lose those inches, lowering your blood pressure, strengthening your heart... You are also eating much more healthily now. So focus on those massive positives and roll on the 23rd when you can get that restriction going!

Take care,

Alice xx
Aw thanks Girlies !! Yeah just looking forward to that fill. Spoke to again to the clinic and she did say not to expect to feel how i did when i first was banded the swelling was like being filled up to the 4 times all in one go !! but least i know i suppose.She did say i was to not worry as it may take a couple to get the weightloss going but not to rush it as its for life and to get it right does take time. So better she was honest than said " oh you'll be restricted immediatly !" it may for some people only last 3 -4 weeks and then slowly creep back to hunger and larger meals but then i suppose its time for another and whatever it takes ....i'll get there !! :) x
Well done on the website launch Liv - it's great, there are some stunning pictures - you are very talented for sure xx
Liv - do you want proof reading feedback? Tis a habit from an old job, but I know some people don't like things pointing out.

By the way, your surname is AMAZING!
Hi Liv, Hope you are ok hun and have had a good week. I think it is your first fill tomorrow isn't it? Lots of luck, and let us all know how it goes xxxxx
Hi ya !! Yeah having my fill today at 10am then have my support group and dietician meeting also so will update as soon as i can. Looking forward to it !! will text u when i get out and let u know how it was . Been so busy working and stuff. then thursday went to see mandy stayed the night was lovely...sorry i could't arrange to meet up with u too was a bit of a last minute thing ...typical me !! She is so lovely and had a fab fab time, didn't want to leave ha ha but had to work friday night for a wedding trial . Sunday got dads 60th birthday party....big bash so loads to do still...where does the time go eh !! Got myself a fab outfit for it so will post some pics when i upload them . Aw Hope your ok, always think of u . gonna have a look at the posts and get some sleep...its 3am as i write this !! will chat to u online soon and have a good catch up !! Mwaah xxx
Hope the fill goes well for you Liv :)
hello all !! had my fill ....was painless !! took 5 mins and that was it !! she put 2 mls in the syringe and then injected that and then took it out again to see if there was any already in the band and it came out at 4ml so my surgeon had already put in 2ml at the time of the op. Was just like an injection but with a bit more pressure and was easy peasy !!! Had a glass of water after and sipped it slowly and it went down fine . Had a look round oxford street after and then went back for my support group which was fab. so informative explaining how the next stage works and what to eat and was nice to hear others experiences. One of the ladys in our group has lost 10st in 3 years and looks FAB !!! because the weightloss is gradual she looks brilliant and doesnt have loads of flab etc . Was a great inspiration to see and hear and i feel so glad i went. Just got home and had a slimfast which has gone down fine and i feel full up. Have to do 3 days of Liquid, 3 of Mush and then back to food again. In 2 weeks i'll go back for my 2nd fill as this won't have much restriction but is better to get used to it than fill all in one go and have problems. Feel really well, just very tired today had lots of late nights this week and early starts. Off for a Kip on the sofa now and then pop out tonight for a few drinks. Tomorrow is Dad's 60th B/day bash so part of me is thinking oh i can't eat boo hoo but the other side is thinking....Yes were back to getting this weight off !! i think the weird thing about the band is that at the start it was easy but until we have that full restriction we do have to rely on pure will power. But i think i;d be too scared to eat anyway just in case i get sick !! not ever been sick with this so i wanna stay that way ha ha ! So i Feel fine and looking forward to my weekend . Off for a snooze and will let u all know how i'm doing over the next few days :) have a good weekend too xxxx
Glad it was ok for you Liv. The fills really put me off the band, being so needle phobic. I couldn't cope with the port either, but then I'm a wuss!

You'll be giving those models a run for their money soon the way you're going.

Have a fabby time tomorrow x
I live in London and I paid private and had it done at the The Highgate by Proffessor Nadey Hakim. I have a clinic in Harley Street called WLS Group so i paid for the full service , so the op and then i have 2 years full aftercare with unlimited fills ,weekly phone calls from them . 24hr emergency numbers, Dietician and support groups monthly xxx
Glad it was ok for you Liv. The fills really put me off the band, being so needle phobic. I couldn't cope with the port either, but then I'm a wuss!

You'll be giving those models a run for their money soon the way you're going.

Have a fabby time tomorrow x

Aw well it wasn't as bad as i thought ! Looking forward to tomorrow and my slimfast again ha ha not !! so boring ! but she said i could have a drink so i'm ok now ha ha ! xxx
Hi glad your fill went ok I get mine in 2 weeks so its nice to hear what to expect and that its relatively painfree. Have a good time tomorrow!
Lesley xx
Well done on today Livvy, glad it went well. Enjoy tomorrow as well, have a great day. xx