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To do list

Peterborough Guy

Luton and Dunstable

I was sent home from the hospital yesterday with a list of vitamins, lansoprazole, supplements and Fortimel drinks required after my operation.

Should I be asking my doctor to get this sorted before my operation, so I have it all at home for when I get back?
yep, definately. Being organised will def help you after your op.

Good luck with everything
No harm in being organised better than having to chase things up post op when you may not feel up to going to far from home.
I would just because they give you so much fortimel it's like carrying the weeks shopping home. Also ask the doctor to give you a variety of fortimel flavours as you may not like all of them :) And be sure to chill them, they are not good warm :( xx
The L&D gave me everything I needed when I left apart from the multi vit. Beware the fortisips they gave me were foul, I had tried every flavour they gave me and ended up dumping them all
PG i think Daftmoo means she got rid of them, not that she dumped on them lol... I wish i could remember the name of the liquid vitamin they give you cos that looks, smells and probably does taste like cat wee... Get yourself some chewable multi vits in ready :) x
PM, it's Dalivit. And must be what the Devil's pee tastes like... No matter what you put it in, it still tastes awful. <shudders at the memory>

Ask your Doc for Forceval vitamin gel capsules. They dissolve easily and are tasteless.
PG i think Daftmoo means she got rid of them, not that she dumped on them lol... I wish i could remember the name of the liquid vitamin they give you cos that looks, smells and probably does taste like cat wee... Get yourself some chewable multi vits in ready :) x
Nice one julie...i'd forgot about the chewy vits x
No, they give you that Dalivit stuff. Forceval was recommended by Shelbell, Phatmomma & Hopelesscase. I;ve never looked back. It's what is normally prescribed for the elderly, who need vits & minerals but who often have difficulties with digestion. Just like bypassers! LOL!

My GP was happy to prescribe and I have never had a problem with them. They are gel capsules and whilst they look daunting (they are largish) they go down ok and dissolve very quickly in the pouch.
thanks for the info hun, is it mentioning it to the doc now...my ops the 30th june x
No, they give you that Dalivit stuff. Forceval was recommended by Shelbell, Phatmomma & Hopelesscase. I;ve never looked back. It's what is normally prescribed for the elderly, who need vits & minerals but who often have difficulties with digestion. Just like bypassers! LOL!

My GP was happy to prescribe and I have never had a problem with them. They are gel capsules and whilst they look daunting (they are largish) they go down ok and dissolve very quickly in the pouch.

Lol B&R i think you mean Phatgirl, but heck looking at her before and after pictures and the success of her journey i will happily be Nic lol..

Wish someone had told me about the vits you talk about. I still take multi vit tablets now brought off the shelf, are they ok for us now?
Hello , yes love , im having to have all my medications swapped to liquids , and my gp is organising this asap as some meds wont work well with others ... the advice from my doc was " for warned is fore armed !" rather militant advice , but helpful nevertheless ... im going to make sure theres no ironing,dusting, pruning ,washing, nothing for me to do post op, except read crap magazines and watch a million property and antique programmes . lol . sorry for the waffle, but yes , be ready in advance pickle xxx