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Tomorrow is the Day!!!!


New Member
Hi, tomorrow i have my banding :eek:
this is freeking me out and begining to wonder if i should of had a bypass instead??? just nerves i guess. In preparation i have contacted a gym with a pool and that and arranged a visit for post op so i can get all motivated. i will be purchasing a cosie and some x trainer's and hope i will not just watch them. I am very excited and dont want to tell the world as you all know people will pressure you into .. so how are u doing why you eatting that ? and all i have bought a him and hers bike for my and i which we will be getting in a few weeks so eventually i will cycle to the gym??? one wishes.
i am afraid .... so very afraid i have mowed the lawn, cleaned the house top to bottom 5 bedroomed did some ironing.. you know just in case i dont make it dont want my family wondering where there clothes are and the garden looking a tip....
engough will scream later this evening...
good luck for tomorrow
good luck for tomorrow

thank you i will try and be brave.... i guess i might have lost a few ponds from pure fear....

Hi sweety.
I'm sending you some very big hugs right now. I felt exactly the same; it is scary stuff but I'm sure you're going to be fine.

Now have a nice relaxing bath this evening and be nice to yourself.
Hi sweety.
I'm sending you some very big hugs right now. I felt exactly the same; it is scary stuff but I'm sure you're going to be fine.

Now have a nice relaxing bath this evening and be nice to yourself.
oh thank you it's a real comfort having and know that you guys are for real and understand all of this as my partner just thinks its girlie emotions... he means no harm but doesn't quite get it.

thank you.

how do i get a thank you think written above your name ?
thank you petal. No thanks needed though! Part of the reason I come on here so much is because however hard my family try, they just don't quite get it. They can't! But we do...so don't stay away honey. You'll get lots of support post-op too.
but if you ever want to say thanks, there's some links at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. You can click the one which says thanks!
Good luck. I'm sure nerves are part and parcel of getting ready and would be surprised if you weren't!
You'll be back soon. Best wishes x
Good luck. I'm sure nerves are part and parcel of getting ready and would be surprised if you weren't!
You'll be back soon. Best wishes x

thank you, i guess it mean i'm normal....

speak soon
Good luck for the op, it will all be done and dusted before you know it :D Try to focus on the positives......like hiow slim you will be and all the lovely clothes you will be able to wear ;) x
thank you petal. No thanks needed though! Part of the reason I come on here so much is because however hard my family try, they just don't quite get it. They can't! But we do...so don't stay away honey. You'll get lots of support post-op too.
but if you ever want to say thanks, there's some links at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. You can click the one which says thanks!

thank you knowledge is power c

Good luck tomorrow, you will be fine. :)
Good luck for the op, it will all be done and dusted before you know it :D Try to focus on the positives......like hiow slim you will be and all the lovely clothes you will be able to wear ;) x

Oh yes, as i have not shopped in a while as i felt the clothes looked ughhh thank you for the message.

i tried to put a thank u message for all but cant work it out can you help!!
Hi there
I posted a very similar message to you the day before my op in June so I am going to be honest with you. The worst part of the whole thing is what you are going through now. Once you get to the hospital everything gets going and you will be fine. There really is nothing to it but the nerves will make you feel miserable until its time to go. I cancelled one op last year because of nerves and i regretted it immediately and wasted a whole year so please hang on in there and then just get yourself to the hospital. It will be over before you know it and you will be on the losing side. I can honestly say it is one of the best things I have ever done.
I wish you the very best of luck and be brave - just go for it and i guarantee you will be on here at the weekend really glad you have gone ahead.
Keep posting for all the support you need
Loads of love