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Unwanted skin!!!


New Member
I everyone! I'm due to have a gastric sleeve early January and very excited about it, to finally get my old self back however I'm only 28 and I'm so worried about excess skin ? Does anyone have any advice of how I can prevent this? X
Hi Becky,
I don't think there is any real way to avoid loose skin if you lose lots of weight (especially in a short time) I suppose the condition of your skin and the length of time it has been stretched by extra weight must count towards the end result?

I lost 17st 10lbs on lighterlife, I looked fine dressed - but undressed I looked like I was still wearing a dress!! the skin really upset me and I was taking steps towards surgical removal when I started to gain weight again. I'm having a bypass soon and know that I'd accept the loose skin for feeling happy and healthy again in the blink of an eye.
I know that wont be much help to you, but there are removal options if it is bad, and there will be so many other plus points after the operation. You might be lucky and hardly have a problem at all xx

Until then .... moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!
On the same lines, I find that as I am loosing weight, I am getting wrinkly in my face etc. Does anyone have any special creams that they can recommend that they have used.???
A good body corset and good underwear to hide it in. I've lost nearly 3 stone but prefer loose skin that fat skin x
There is not way to predict whether you will get loose skin or not because it depends on lots of things ... your age, how long you have been overweight, how overweight you are, genetics etc. At 28 you may be one of the lucky ones, honey, but I personally will take loose skin over ill health any day xxx :):)
I think it's down to genetics and age, you'r young so your skin should spring back more easily. Good luck with your op xx
I wished the age thing was true. I'm only 25 and have sagging skin from my arms and thighs which doesn't look great but it isn't too severe. My abdomen is an absolute mess, though. Really bad. That aint going to snap back without a skilled surgeon. lol
My skins bad already (pre op) it has never been the same since having my child 7 years ago, and I now have 2 stomachs instead of 1 :( she was worth it though :) I would love more kids when the time is right so would put plastics on hold till after I'm finished my family. Then have the full works in my 40's :) x
Take it easy try to do exercise at least it will help a bit
On the same lines, I find that as I am loosing weight, I am getting wrinkly in my face etc. Does anyone have any special creams that they can recommend that they have used.???
you could try the croydon face lift honey :) xxx
(tight ponytail)
Ive lost 5 stone before on previous diets (which i gained straight away after the diet) and my skin was fine however now its stretched, shrunk then stretched again im not sure if i shall be so lucky this time around however i will keep you informed! Good Luck!

x x