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What can we do to stop hair loss??


Hi all well I'm so concerned about losing my hair as it has already started im taking selenium and zinc but does it actually help? please some one help me as this is really making me so depressed.:cry::cry:
Personally, I dont believe that anything can stop the hairloss. Nearly everyone suffers with it to some degree, but you are unlikely to go bald and it stops of its own accord eventually.
Reema only a suggestion why dont you buy yourself a wig, you will only need it temporarily it might stop you panicking.

You can some fabulous wigs now days that look so real. Sorry it doesnt solve your losing hair problem though.
If you do a search on here for hair loss, there are tons of threads and info about it.:D
Nothing I have taken has stopped it, and it is still falling out a bit and i'm 10 months post op now:(

I lost loads of hair for about 3 months and it's always been thin and fine. It's been really okay though no one has noticed and I haven't gone bald so try not to worry.
Mine is falling out too, it's really thin and wirey now. But I also don't believe anything really helps, and I am sure it will stop when my weight stabilises so I am not too worried. If I get bald patches (rather than thin patches which I have at the moment), I might start to worry.

I've been very lucky i didn't lose any, initially i took perfectill tablets then switched to Boots own Skin, hair and nails. When i spoke to my hairdresser about it she said unfortunatly the more you worry about it the more the hair loss happens, its something to do with the science of the hair! Hopefully you will only have minimal loss Reema x
I am completely paranoid about this aswell. I have always lost a fair bit of hair when I wash it but now it is a horrendous amount and when I brush it I am constantly cleaning my brush out. Allie is right though, the more we worry about it the worse it will get. Believe me I know it is hard but I think we have to just stop stressing about it. xxx
Nothing stops the hair loss - the doctor perscribed me all sorts of things but it still went VERY thin. However, you will be on such a high with the health changes in your life you won't be that bothered - my family were a lot more worried than me!!!!!!!!!! after 4 months of losing it is now coming back - I hated the idea of losing my hair - but if hair loss is the only down side to becoming healthy I say bring it on!!!!! and like everyone else has said you don't go bold - just very thin x