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O/T - Cold Remedy - HELP!


New Member
Im stuck at the office, on my own, with a stinking cold and Im dosed up to the hilt with Benilyn capsules and otrivine nazal spray but its not working. Its driving me bonkers - cant concentrate, feel dire, dont want to eat (no surprise there).

Does anyone have any instant cold remedies please before I disappear in a mountain of Kleenex?
The only thing that will kill a cold in 4 days is Vitimin C - 1000mg a day is the max the body can store - dose yourself up on vit C
I tend to feel loads better if I fill a bowl with boiling water, n put my head over it with a tea towel, and breathe in and out. The steam clears everything up :)

thanks guys - did I get any thanks for dragging myself into work - did I hell. Boss just complaining to everyone that I have a cold - whats that all about?!
thanks guys - did I get any thanks for dragging myself into work - did I hell. Boss just complaining to everyone that I have a cold - whats that all about?!

Can't do right for doing wrong :rolleyes:

Hi Hun
Sounds like you need nasle decongestant ~like sudafed or Boots own very effective for short term, like a cold. Take some Syndol when you get home and kip till it's gone!
Love and hugs
Hi hun dont have any remedies for ya but wanted to give ya (((((big hug ))))) and hope u feel better soon xxxx
I haven't any remedies, but I do find resting, sleeping and drinking lots of fluid helps along with a paracetamol for headaches and a decongestant or hot steam. Watching a weepy movie is really good as all the crying usually clears my sinuses up really well.

The only thing that helps me is Lemsip. Can you have that with the bypass??