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So what's the plan for Christmas?


New Member
Thought I would start a post (being nosey really lol) about what you have planned for the festivities.

Broke up from work now 'til 30th - Nuff said!

25th - 11 for Dinner hopefully 12 if my new grand daughter arrives, she is due 14th!

Boxing day -Little lie in - 14 for tea.

Just thinking about menu's - may post when decided.

So what's the plan then?

Linski xxx
Traditional... home... neighbours... family... friends...

Christmas day is the 26th for us as my children want to watch their 1/2 sister (please don't tell them i called her that but she is lol) who is 18 months old open her presents Christmas day, also Trev's daughter is coming on the late evening of the 25th for a week or so....

So the 25th is going to be a funny day, my girlies are off to their dad's on the 23rd... Egg n chips for xmas dinner i think!

But in all honestly i don't think i care. I've had some very devastating family news tonight and putting that into perspective the joy of christmas may just not cut it to lighten my world right now..........
Im so sorry you have had some bad news Julie, if there is anything I can do to help you please let me know. ((HUGS)) XX
So sorry Julie... thinking of you precious and so very saddened to hear you have had bad news.

Sending a humungous, warm, loving hug to you.

You know where I am and I am always at your side dear Friend.

Love you xxx
My Boys have to go to their sperm doner xmas eve until 1pm xmas day so having my loved one with me for our first xmas together. Think I'm having our xmas dinner either late xmas day or boxing day depending if he feds them or not
Big hugs Julie xx
Well this yr is my baby zane's first christmas he will b 7 months so im excited for that :) as for dinner I also received some sad news my nan has terminal cancer small cell lung cancer that has spread she has gone down to 6 stone, lost all her hair and is very weak we thought this may b our last Christmas together but after both chemotherapy and radiotherapy her results have came bk that the cancer has shrunk we r all really pleased but we think it still may b our last Christmas and if it's not my nans determined to go abroad next yr... So this yr we r goin out for dinner all the family together which will b lovely this is my nans request as she has always wanted to eat out on christmas day it b lovely as we ain't had a Christmas together for yrs then after dinner we r all goin bk to my nans house to open pressies and just spend some quality time all together for a few hours then it b bk home to play with the kiddies x
Christmas day is the 26th for us as my children want to watch their 1/2 sister (please don't tell them i called her that but she is lol) who is 18 months old open her presents Christmas day, also Trev's daughter is coming on the late evening of the 25th for a week or so....

So the 25th is going to be a funny day, my girlies are off to their dad's on the 23rd... Egg n chips for xmas dinner i think!

But in all honestly i don't think i care. I've had some very devastating family news tonight and putting that into perspective the joy of christmas may just not cut it to lighten my world right now..........

Ah Julie sorry you've had sad news. Thinking of you
Lin xx
Love and hugs Julie.

Also to everyone and you Lin, thinking of you xxx
Laura i hope your nan really enjoys the Family Christmas Dinner she always wanted. I hope it's a day full of fun and laughter for you and yours but most especially your nan who sounds like one heck of a lovely lady xx
Will be thinking of you Laura and it's going to be a very special time for you all to share and remember... sending love & warmest hugs to you, Your Nan and the family xxx
Wake up and have breakfast with Tom, Christmas Lunch with Toms mum and dad, sister and husband and son and hubbys uncle Bill (widower and had a stroke so needs caring for, he spends the day there) and then home to see my sister and her family, my brother and his family and my mum and dad, all at my sisters house next door. Then home to relax and probably watch some tv with Tom snuggled on the sofa. Pretty relaxed and nice day planned.
Steph xx
Pressies at home.

Parents-in-law for lunch till late evening then home to bed then back again on Boxing Day. Dad-in-law has severe vascular dementia so we can't stay over any more it's too much for Mum.

Then we are going to London on the 30th for New Year celebrations as this may be our last chance while daughter is at Uni in London - we can stay in her flat!!

Dad-in-law is poorly so we hope to make the most of Christmas

So sorry to hear about your father in law Angela... wishing you all the very best and your family.
Have a lovely Christmas together xxx
Each year seems to be the same very quiet,lots of good food,my sons come around.Nice relaxing time,but then much of my life is like that.I dont know how I juggled everything in the past but then I was younger!I stopped and smelt the coffee years ago,make life as easy as you can then enjoy it.Dont try keeping up with anyone else,striving for THINGS.Lighten your load,it makes the journey much easier!
Quiet Christmas dinner, just OH & daughter, then OH's sons coming down on Boxing day. Daughter to her Dad's after Xmas, then a good knee's up on New Years Eve. Relatively quiet time as I have work to do (boo hoo).

Julie, very sorry to hear of your bad family news....anytime is a bad time, but I know personally, Christmas can be a particularly hard time of year to deal with bad news xxxx
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Awww thanks ladys, I'm sure my nan will have a fab time, we will make sure she does she's such a strong beautiful lady and I hope we have many more christmas's xxxx
Have a lovely time everyone whatever you are doing and I'll also be thinking of you Laura it means a lot to your dear Nan and you are doing your very best Angel.

Warmest hugs and love to you and all xxx