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Still itchy!

Big an Bouncy

New Member
Im still itchy after surgery,thought it was cos I was dehydrated so upped the fluids.Im covered in Dermol but still feel as if my skin is crawling.I am convinced its either after affects of the op or Fragmin or lack of some vitamin.I dont think its what I wash in or do the washing as it only affects my neck,boobs,tum and back.Arms,legs,bum and face are fine.Just now I could scratch my boob off,there is no rash and it gets worse when Im sleeping.:cry: Heeeeeeeeeeelp!
Im trying to not scratch but its driving me mad,Ive just read online that calcium can cause itching if your kidneys dont deal with it properly.i dont drink enough so perhaps thats my problem,what with me taking extra calcium too!I see my surgeon on the 8th of April so will deffo ask questions.in the meantime im stopping the calcichew and having more milk and yoghurt to do it naturally!
Oh no that sounds awful! I am itchy only where my wounds are obviously that's because they are healing and the pins and needles in my left leg are annoying but I think I have Sussed that to be the clexane injection so I haven't had it tonight I only have 2 left but I can't take it anymore! So I know what you are going through to s certain extent but not knowing can drive you as nuts as the itching.

Have you tried taking an antihistermine? It might relief it a little.

Hope you feel better soon xx
Awww Maz, do hope this eases... I'd try a Piriton or antihistamine... check you haven't changed anything soap or soap powder wise and also drink more water if you can to flush your system.

It's a miserable problem, keep us posted Angel.

Love and hugs xxx
p.s. Love, I'm sure Emma Louise had this at some time recently too xxx
Im with Bev, Id try some anti-histamine meds as a short term measure and then ask your team....I have heard calcium can cause itchiness, not sure where I heard that from or read it but I have :eek: also I think the vitamins can cause side effects in some people. Hope it eases soon for you............you havnt been running nekkid through nettles have you?? ;) XX
Maz..I can relate to this issue...but I haven't had my op ...
Since i started the milk diet 5 weeks ago ..I am scratching like crazy...
I have got dandruff for the first time ever(I usually have greasy hair)
my skin is so dry moisturiser isn't touching the sides..
and yes I am drinking loads....
i haven't changed soap powers or body soaps...
like you its driving me insane...

I will add I had a terrible itching after both C,sections with my kids and I was told it was a reaction to the anaesthetic..it lasted for 4 weeks...
I will look into the calcium theory (if I get chance today)as I am still having to consume 2 pints of milk a day along with my food allowance.
I hope you find out whats causing this :cool:
Please also check that even though you haven't changed soap etc barands that they haven't in fact 'new and improved' I usually know if a product changes almost instantly. At the moment the latest one to change is my 2 in 1 shampoo, not sure what they have done to it but I need to use twice as much as I used to (Sales ploy probably). Luckily in this instance no allergic reaction. Had some left in an older bottle in the caravan which I used at home and this is fine so it is definitely due to manufacturing process. These firms are always tinkering to save money regardless of what it could do to the consumer. I find it difficult to find products I can use as my skin is fairly sensitive. I just pray they don't alter things and am always wary when they state 'new formula'
Hi all and thanks for the comments,Jac I will have to stop the nekkid nettle running or get more dock leaves!
I have left the calcium off for a few days,dont think it will do me any harm to see if it eases.also there is sodium sulphate in shower gel/creams that is derived from coconut it makes the lather, that can cause allergy.A doc says you dont need bubbles to get clean so will carry on using Dermol,it can be used to wash or moisturize but smells musty!The itch feels as if its coming from inside like shingles if you know what I mean!Maz x
Aww Bless Maz, it's the last thing you need. I tend to like to have a warm bath with nothing at all in the water and then get into a cotton nightie afterwards... it's an awful feeling love... try simple soap products if it carries on for a while... hope it eases... no wonder love, after all of the chemicals and new medications we've had introduced in the past week.

Do you want to borrow my back Scratcher???
(hubby is my other back scratcher)... xxx
yes I understand that maz..I feel like my skin is crawling...
it feels like something is walking over my arm, then I look and there is nothing there other than an overwhelming desire to scratch it.claw it it bits..actually as i type its my face !!!

i have just been reading up about Anaemia due to folic acid deficiency..

without sounding like a hypochondriac I have every symptom ..so is am going to go to the doctors and question 3 things, liver and kidney function..plus b12 and anaemia...

I have just had 30 days of solidly living off milk so I am questioning the malnourished side of things...
It will probably take 3 weeks to get an appointment so I will report back once I have been ..lol

I don't need a back scratcher Bev..I will be like Baloo and find a tree!

Hi there

Yes I've had this problem,
It's been a right nuisance!
I was thinking it was the washing powder,
I've been itching still, not as bad but still itchy.
I was given a steroid cream and I have to have my bloods checked,as the doc said it's not a washing powder rash...
Thanks girls I dont have a rash of any sort,its got to be something Im taking now or a deficiency.
Perhaps my body is itching for cheese on toast or a full english!
omg hun i didnt know youd had your op yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy so made up for ya chic woop woop ive not been on for a while thats why i didnt knw soz im also soz ur itching doesnt sound nice defo get in touch with ya team and let em know wots goin on hope it eases up soon huni lv lin.xxxxxx
Aw great to hear from you hun how are you doing now you is skinny!What are you eating,Im 5 weeks out and cant keep meat,chicken or fish down it gets stuck no matter how small and slow I chew it.I suppose its just make do with mash and cheese or soup for now!lol
Well done Sarah... xxx