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Stoopid or what !!


New Member
Just starting to reply to posts and I can't work out how to highlight a particular sentence or response which I am referring to by which time the thread has mooved on - I have looked in all the tutorials but cant find anything specific - Janet and John language please (showing my age) Ta
I can't work out how to highlight a particular sentence or response which I am referring to

I use the quote button and delete what is not relevant is that what you mean?
I think so.... you seemed to have done it to my question above - do I just write my reply in the box below the quote wording ?

Any ideas what the difference is between post reply and qucik reply, they seem to have the same options ?? Thanks for your help
not technical at all either !

Yep, just write your reply after the text.

I always use post reply rather than quick reply too. Not sure of the difference lol

Thanks... testing testing 123 !!!
top of the class hun!!
think you are supposed to use the button next to the quote it is called "multi quote"

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