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Sweet tooth


New Member
Can any one help got a really bad sweet tooth I was ok till about a month ago been very good since been banded help ?
:whoopass: sweet stuff is not the end of the world ... just count the calories; plan it into your overall days consumption and have it as your 'treat' AFTER you have filled yourself up from your band-friendly food. 'Moderation' is my favourite word :)
sugar free jelly, nas angel deights, low fat custard.. there are plenty of sweet things you can try xxx
I've just discovered weight watchers self saucing chocolate pudding!! So yummy and comes perfectly portion sized :) can't eat them all the time but they get rid of my sweet tooth when I need it!
Weight watchers puddings, I only have them at the weekend but they are lovely especially the caramel crunch. Also they are much cheaper in Iceland!