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WARNING worried embarrasing feacal smell


New Member
I'm now 1 week post op :) had a few problems and still in a lot of pain but otherwise still feeling positive though I do have a worry about toilet matter :-(
After passing quite a bit of blood in hospital I was told that my stools would take on all sorts of colours during recovery. I have found that they are now forrest green but have a real distinctive disgusting odour. Even when I use wipes and I know I'm all clean I find that I can still smell it, even when I go for a wee. My toilet is very clean with bleach. The stool matter is also very greasy :-(
Has anyone else experienced this post op? Do you think it's still the gasses releasing?
Sorry for such a disgusting post but it's a bit of a worry.
Thanks guys.
Pinky, I too have been experiencing this, except mine have been very pale with white stripes in!!!! Also, I was going to post about the grease thing and ask if the 'orlistat' effect also happens to others.
Think its just our body getting rid of everything they pump into us and our intestines adjusting...
The last vestiges of fats in your intestine will be clearing out hence the greasy stools,you will always have them when you eat fatty foods in the future as the gut no longer deals with fats the same.The smell will settle but the vitamins give you strong smelling pee unless you drink plenty of water to dilute and flush your urine.Farts are copious and smelly too,get a dog if you dont have one!
Big an Bouncy said:
The last vestiges of fats in your intestine will be clearing out hence the greasy stools,you will always have them when you eat fatty foods in the future as the gut no longer deals with fats the same.The smell will settle but the vitamins give you strong smelling pee unless you drink plenty of water to dilute and flush your urine.Farts are copious and smelly too,get a dog if you dont have one!

Love it :D maybe should start hiring my dog out! Lol
I had the same thing for about two weeks post-op then it settled down.

Wish I'd thought about the dog idea :D