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Funny feeling in my throat...


I know Ive changed!
Hiya again guys
Im being a bit of a pain with my questions but bear with me.
I had my op eleven days ago now and for the first few days nothing in my throat felt odd but for a few days now it feels as though I have something in there, almost like I have swallowed something I didnt mean to and try to swallow it down but it doesnt go...sorry for this description now but it kind of feels like I have swallowed a pubic hair...its that kind of feeling.
Hubby said maybe it is from the tube they put down during the op but surely I would have felt it before now.
Any ideas?
It isnt a bad problem, just annoying.
Steph xx

It is possible they scratched your throat it does happen when they put the tube down as they did this to me in sept this year (for another op) and I couldnt even talk properly for a week and throat felt funny for longer, Make sure you drink plenty of fluid and I know this is easier sed then done but try not to keep doing the "swallowing" thing because it will aggrivate it, as this is what I found also. If u feel the need to keep swallowing try sucking on a throat pastille with numbing agent in it, it makes all the difference or drinking warm tea/coffee etc , keep your throat lubricated through other methods other then swallowing your own saliva as this will dry your throat out . x x

All the best - MeJulie xx