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Message to Myself ... diary to remind me where I have been and where I am going

Have a good week. Xxx
wk 29 - first gain post-op

OK - band will definitely not do all the work. Gained 4lbs this week. Maybe I chose the wrong week to go off-piste. Hormonal and stressed. My legs are so puffy with water retention - not good. Skins looks better for having a bit more fat though - good thing. I always like to look on the positive side...and leaving last week on a positive note, and starting this week on a positive note...I AM BACK AND FOCUSSED.

Had a lovely three days with my daughter visiting and getting together with friends; and have another morning with her before she has to leave and the snow arrives. Feel a lovely long walk with the pooches coming on...get the weight loss moving :)

Makes me think...is it the severe cold that has also made me feel like eating more this week...I do feel the cold more now I have lost weight. Does anyone else feel that, or is it just me looking for another excuse?

Still no visa - but we did get a request for further evidence. So photos of all my OHs work colleagues in the States have been sent to US immigration service. What a motley crew, if I were the immigration officer I would think twice about agreeing the visa on that basis LOL

Catch up with everyone in the week on the forum
FB- hellooooo. Well, what a week you've had. I've put on 4lbs this week again after losing last week. I'm definitely yo-yoing. Not sure how to stop really. When you have a lot of 'stuff' going on its really hard and you're right, it does show that the band doesn't do everything for you.
Glad you're getting positive though. See you later xx
FB you are always seeing the profit side of things. I think if you tried another week when you don't have so much going on it might be a different results. But glad to have you back xxx
OK - its Monday and its the start of a fresh new week. Let's be positive and it will be a downward one weight-wise. Good luck weight loss buddies x
Good luck this week...I'm gunning for a good week after STS this week so let's get cracking and show a great loss by sat!!! Xx
I weighed myself this morning and have lost three of those gained last week...yeah :)

Came home to defrosted freezer this evening, so have been forced to be inventive with some of the food rather than throw it away. Cooked masses of courgettes, green beans, peppers, onions, passata, balsamic vinegar and chilli together and wow was it gorgeous and so low in calories even though I had masses of it for my dinner. Guess what will be in my food diary for three days running ?!?

Left the big bowl of profiteroles and chocolate sauce for my OH. Fatten him up, so I can exercise it off him ... in my dreams ... he is watching footie :(
my other OH has accused me of turning into a feeder...as pass him everything I won't touch lol! Fab news on the 3lb ...I'm working away so no scales....it's killing me! Lol x
Sure you will do great Jo ... by the way, the photos you posted earlier in the week ... absolutely fantastic to show the difference. You look great. Bet you and your OH are so proud x Wish I had had the confidence to take some of myself...
flutterby1966 said:
Sure you will do great Jo ... by the way, the photos you posted earlier in the week ... absolutely fantastic to show the difference. You look great. Bet you and your OH are so proud x Wish I had had the confidence to take some of myself...

I'm just mad taking bikini shots...you can tell I just don't care lol :) but thx Hun....I'm sure if you did the same it would be the same..it really does take putting them side by side to see the difference! Think I should have done the same with my OH too tho to see how he's got bigger :D xx
Hold on, where are the pictures? I missed something..
You must have seen my bikini pic I posted 4st on mis!
Nope, where is it?????
Take a deep breath first n brace yourself lol x


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First sorry for hightjaking your diary. Seconds Jo OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You look Sooooo Sooooo thin!!! :) xxx
Helped looking like a sumo wrestler before lol x
Wk-30 post op

Got rid of them pesky 4 lbs plus another 2 this week.

Think it really helped - counting the calories again - I have reduced carbs (but still had them); increased protein and drunk milk everyday. Not sure what it is, but when I drink a skinny latte every day the weight loss speeds up...Oh, I discovered chocolate eclair sweets this week too :sigh: Only 35 calories each - and they are so chewy that they last a long time and they really hep when a craving for sweetness/chocolate kicks in. Not that I advocate eating lots of chocolate obviously :rolleyes: moderation :rolleyes:

Off out for an afternoon/early evening, with friends in Hereford, of drinks and food - I am nominated driver as always, only the one glass for me, so should stay in control. Definitely prefer to eat rather than drink my calories!

Mare of a week at work - fall out with work colleague - well they fell out with me, rather than me with them. This is when I dislike being big and tall, because it may come across that I am being the awful one, but in reality it was a poison dwarf making really nasty comments to me - work, not weight loss related. They were like a rotweiller on my back, relentless and me not fighting back. I so dread Monday morning when they will be back in the same office as me :cry:

Still waiting for visa application movement - got second request for further evidence from US immigration earlier in the week - what a stressful time it is. All sent off, so we just have to be patient. Whatever will be will be (but it'd be nice to find out sooner rather than later)

Here's hoping for a good week next week
flutterby1966 said:
Got rid of them pesky 4 lbs plus another 2 this week.

Think it really helped - counting the calories again - I have reduced carbs (but still had them); increased protein and drunk milk everyday. Not sure what it is, but when I drink a skinny latte every day the weight loss speeds up...Oh, I discovered chocolate eclair sweets this week too :sigh: Only 35 calories each - and they are so chewy that they last a long time and they really hep when a craving for sweetness/chocolate kicks in. Not that I advocate eating lots of chocolate obviously :rolleyes: moderation :rolleyes:

Off out for an afternoon/early evening, with friends in Hereford, of drinks and food - I am nominated driver as always, only the one glass for me, so should stay in control. Definitely prefer to eat rather than drink my calories!

Mare of a week at work - fall out with work colleague - well they fell out with me, rather than me with them. This is when I dislike being big and tall, because it may come across that I am being the awful one, but in reality it was a poison dwarf making really nasty comments to me - work, not weight loss related. They were like a rotweiller on my back, relentless and me not fighting back. I so dread Monday morning when they will be back in the same office as me :cry:

Still waiting for visa application movement - got second request for further evidence from US immigration earlier in the week - what a stressful time it is. All sent off, so we just have to be patient. Whatever will be will be (but it'd be nice to find out sooner rather than later)

Here's hoping for a good week next week

You've done so well matey...and whoever that work colleague is send her round to me..! I'll sort her...noone should ever dread going into work..I can't stand stupid adolescent behaviour like that..whisteblower??

Keep the focus..head held high..and you're tall (not big)!!!!!!!

6lb - I can't believe it
