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Milk and yogurt


New Member
I am 14 weeks post op and still, everytime I eat a yogurt or drink milk, it feels like it is stuck and does not shift until I am sick.

Has anyone else had this? What do you think it could be?

Thanks for reading
We all have different intolerances post op.Mine is meat and bread,I can eat them just very thouroghly.Yours might be dairy,try rice milk or soya.
I have trouble with milk and yogurt now.
I used to love milky tea and coffee but now I struggle if they are too milky and I can't eat a full yogurt at all, if I am lucky I can have 2 teaspoons and I'm full
Hi, I have developed a lactose intolerance post op. I now use lactofree milk which is found with all 'normal' milks in the supermarket. They also make cheese and yoghurts, although I haven't tried those.

I'm also having problems with milk. I can tolerate a little on my cereal or in tea/coffee but if I have too much I feel really sick and have to lie down. I used to love milk too :(