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anyone in bradford/west yorks


New Member
anyone else having surgery in bradford or surrounding areas????? and what sort of waiting times are there?
hey hun

where abouts in bradford are u? i was told by my GP thsat bradfords waiting time is usually 6-9months x
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I'm from Leeds, but meet up socially with a few Bradford people. The word is Bradford are struggling at the moment, as they have a high incidence of digestive tract cancers to deal with at the moment, so wl surgery, as it's elective is being put back. I do know people that have certainly been on the journey longer than 9 months and still have no date. However, Bradford and Leeds do seem to have an agreement where they use each other or private hospitals if the list gets too old or too long.
ahhhhh thanks twinkle toes! i will add u... i live near B.R.I.... bwt a 5 min walk so im luky lol... where r u from hun?

ye wobbly i heard a simular story, but my doc said they referd a man and 3weeks later he had his op... so been tryin to move things along and get my doc to send me to dietitian, its all gta help hurry things up i hope.
Latest update on Bradford is it's a 5 to 6 months wait after being listed. But they may get special funding to switch people to Spire.
Ah is spire in leedz? Heard sum hav gon to yorkshre clinic. Defo wudnt mind goin ther. Luks lovely
Hi I had my op at Nuffield in Leeds, great hospital, fab staff and my surgeon was excellent. Good luck hun x
Thank you. Oh ye my dad went to a nuffield hospital in york. Said it was 10x beta than an nhs 1

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ahhhh dnt say that!!!! 40 weeks... nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thats far to long, i cnt wait that long... bludy typical