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Anyone from Bradford on NHS


Im Meellttinngg!! :)
Hi there

i thought i would ask if theres anyone from Bradford area (bradford and airedale pct) that has had the WLS on the NHS?
If so what was your pre op procedures, from referral etc.

Thanks in advance:p
Not from Bradford but I'm sure there was a lady on here who was (can't remember her name though!).

Welcome to mini's, hope you find the help and support you need :D
thanks for the reply :)

Think im going to ring PALS later, im just concerned at the moment that as my gp hasnt a clue as she has never referred anyone before.
Im referred and have an appt on 5th nov at the hospital with the surgeon, but im more concerned about funding, as some people seem to have to get their GP to sort that out or the PCT sorts it, so im confused and i dont want the process to grind to a halt for any reason :confused:

Sorry for the mini rant lol
bondgirl is from bradford and had her gastric bypass on nhs
Thank you, I can't access the members list at the moment as I'm new to the forums. Fingers crossed shes about and reads this, not that I want to hassle her or anything lol. Just a few questions of the PCT procedure over here:)
Ellfie dont worry, I am doing enough of that for both of us lol.....it seems to differ all over the place with what happens, some say you need funding in place before you see consultant and surgeon and others say consultant and surgeon write to the PCT for the funding via your GP or direct. To be honest I think if you see the cons and surgeon first at least they can tell if you are suitable for the op which makes sense in my head. Please dont let my horrible mess put you off, the main trouble with my request is letters not getting sent or going a miss in the post not the actual process....it is like a roller coaster ride.....hope this helps a bit...Linda x
Dont worry you havent put me off, Im praying for you to get your appt letter soon.

Im more concerned that my GP hasnt a clue and shes obviously the one in the middle of this too.

Im going to ring PALS today and see if they can shed any light or ill be losing weight with worrying lol

Fingers crossed for your postie arriving with a nice letter, :D

Look see I even made a ticker lol
Thanks ellfie, GP's are all in the dark with this process I think, there has obviously been an increase in requests since Fern had her banding and I feel sorry for the GP's having to learn. I hope you get sorted soon to and we can both be losing together.....Linda x
Well my Hospital appt letter came a few mins ago so its sunk in now, I'm on the road, albeit probably a bumpy one with massive potholes in it lol , but im buckling myself in for a bump ride and i got my crash helmet one.

And I know you got your appt date too so here to us,
:party0011::bliss::party0011:and anyone else on a happy high today:D:D
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Dunno if this is a good thing or bad thing, but the local papers headline is 'Obesity is costing you £142m a year'
It mainly focuses on the parents of obese children, but Im wondering if it will have a knock on affect to surgery. Hopefully not as im only trying to reduce my cost adding to the £142m lol.
hey Lesley :) I eventually got my funding after waiting nearly a year from referral to surgery. I ended up being sent to the Spire in Leeds private, this was funded by Bradford NHS. All due to them wanting to get rid of a backlog of people on the waiting list.
Couldnt be happier, lovely place lovely surgeon and in before the year...just lol

GL with your journey
hi there ,glad you had it done . i was refered to pct for funding qwas given it in 4 weeks . seen mr halstead at bradford they now do here and yorkshire clinic been to see dietitian today going to pick up monitor for my breathing through night then just to go see him again said i would be going in from mid nov to begining jan and only started all off 4 months ago so yes quick .i cant access all the things here as new but would love to know how you managed when you went home ? im going to a group meeting at bri next wen eve as i dont know anyone who as had done . only thing im really worried about is all the loose skin i will have lol . takecare lesley
i had an open bypass at the the Spire so my recovery was a little longer than the lap option.
Reason I had open was that was the only option that my surgeon did. I could have opted for another surgeon and gone for lap, but to risk being put back to the end of the waiting list I wasnt going to risk it. :)

When I went home from surgery it was 4 days after, it was heard dont get me wrong but I had hubby and kids to help me. No lifting hoovering etc, but tbh you wont feel like doing it anyway. I nodded off regularly through the day once I got comfy :)

My scar has only just healed completely this last week, as I got a wound infection but I feel ok. You've always to remind yourself that you are recovering from major surgery and although the outside is looking ok and healed your insides take a heck of a lot longer :D

You sound as though you are going through the sleep apnea tests, I didnt have to do those but it depends on your circs I guess.

Good luck on your journey, Id do it all over again in a heartbeat.
You will find some brilliant advice and support on here so stick with us :D