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demented duck ??

deb preston

New Member
:confused: does anyone else sound like a demented duck or a sheep when they hiccup? ive had this since my bypass and my friends and family think its hilarious
Oh the fabulous hic-burp as it gets called in our house! :D

I do an amazing ducky/sheepy/hic-burp, has the children in stitches.:rolleyes:

Wonder if it will last forever.:eek:
Sorry Deb... but I'm conjuring up allsorts of pictures here... haha... xxx
Thanks for the giggle lol :D

can't say i ever had that problem
Yep! Mine sound like a baaah and a duck and a burp! Everyone at work things Im burping dead loud and its not!! Its a hiccup! lol
I've always hiccuped like a donkey - ehaaawwww- and very very loudly.... I wouldn't mind a bit of a change to the duck sound - bring it on!