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Food anyone????


From The Black Country
Well its been 12 weeks now since my op and I'm still unable to eat anything solid. The hospital say that this is normal :confused:
Anyone else go this long and more before they could eat anything :confused:
I'm getting a bit fed up of soup or slop now. :(
I was eating semi-solids one week post op, and sloppy solids 2 weeks post op (spag bol, fish pie etc). Have only ever had one problem, which was the tuna steak episode last week, and have not found anything that I can't eat (except for the obvious high fats and high sugars).

12 weeks seems like a loooong time to still be on liquids, but your consultant knows best!
you could always ask for a second opinion, but you might have to travel for it!
i moved onto more sloppy food after about 2 weeks although i did really struggle till about 4 weeks. by 12 weeks i was managing most things really except bread, meat and pasta (still now can't eat them). i would push for a second opinion as it should be getting easier by now x
My turning point was 6 weeks post op, till then i was eating very little, but seemed to get to 6 weeks and things sorted themselves and i've since been able to eat fairly normally, still have a problem with beef and havn't tried lamb or pork yet, but chicken and fish i have no problem with, and slowly the quantaties are building, i can almost go into a resturant now and not stick out like a sore thumb !
Hi I was told liquids for four weeks, then sloppy food for another four weeks. Have to say I have had no major problems since the operation and I put it down to following this advice..if your consultant has recomended it I would follow it.
And remember that everyone heals differently so it might take a little more time before you are ready to move onto more solid foods but like shel has mentioned I would phone up your consultant and tell him about your concerns.
I voiced my concerns and nobody seems concerned by it, who knows? I cant take anything with any thickish consistency to it as it wont go down it just gets stuck and comes back up. Cant even manage spaghetti hoops well chewed. Yoghurts, custard and liquids are no problem.

I've gone onto full fat/sugar products as I need calories to survive. My worry is Nutrition defficiency, so the more I can get in the better for now, sod the weight loss for the moment...........lol.
I voiced my concerns and nobody seems concerned by it, who knows? I cant take anything with any thickish consistency to it as it wont go down it just gets stuck and comes back up. Cant even manage spaghetti hoops well chewed. Yoghurts, custard and liquids are no problem.

I've gone onto full fat/sugar products as I need calories to survive. My worry is Nutrition defficiency, so the more I can get in the better for now, sod the weight loss for the moment...........lol.

It doesn't sound ideal to me. I am 7 weeks post-op & my dietician told me to to move on to more solid stuff about 3 weeks ago (mind you, it is one step forward & two steps back & take one day at a time!)

Are you on any vitamin or minerals at all, such as Fortimel? That should cover any nutritional deficiencies.

I was on Spag Hoops from 3-4 weeks & got really excited today as I had tinned Chicken Caserole (98p from Asda!!) Ok, it's still softish but more substantial & no adverse affects (yet!)

I digress .. Everyone is different & we all progress at different rates of course, & the primary advice should come from the surgeon BUT ... at 12 weeks I would be rather concerned, particularly as nothing is going down & you are now talking about "full fat/sugar products" which defeats the object & any/all the suffering to date will have been a waste.

If your surgeon can't some up with anything else constructive & is not concerned he should at least address your worries over the calorie & nutrition intake.

Is there anyone else on his team (registrars/underlings/nursing assistants/whatever) you can go to & get them to voice your concerns or find out more for you, even if it is in the guise of some suggestions or constructive help?

Personally I would be taking it further - even going to the PALS team at the hospital & telling them you may be complaining higher & who should you go to! :mad: