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ive my heart set on a sleeve

Kelly.....You don't strike me as the kind of girl who settles for what she's offered, I'm sure you can make the surgeon see this too. and you'll be skipping out of your appointment next week with exactly what you wanted, stop worrying xxx
hi laura i want the sleeve as its permamant, its kinda inbetween a band and bypass.... a nice middle ground so to speak... your absorb all your nutrients from food normally like you would without wls or with a band where as with a bypass you dont,,, i just feel 100% a sleeve is for me dam it, im getting a panic on xx

Kelly, you still get malabsorbtion from having the sleeve. You still need multivits, quarterly B12 injections etc etc

The 'rules' are very similar to a bypass.
All I can suggest is that you go in with an open mind Kelly... explain what you want & why you want it but be prepared to listen to their opinions & as to why they're suggesting it too xx
oh i didnt realise that mixxy, how come, i thought that nothing was 'bypassed' so to speak, and that your stomach was just a different shape, but smaller. wow you learn summat new every day. thanks huni, hugs xx