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keeley how did it gooooo?


New Member
:confused: x
hiya kel - ive been trying to write this post for the last hour - phone keeps ringing, lol heres what ive just posted on the other post! xxxx

im herrreeeeeeeeeeeeee! lol
it went brilliantly really! i didnt see the surgeon just the dietician and she was really pleased with my 9 lbs weight loss! id hoped for more but 9lbs is better than none isnt it! she just asked me about what id been eating and what exercise id been doing and keep the exercise going..... anyway.....

as of tomorrow i am now on the waiting list! whoop whooop! i walked out with a massive smile on my face.... she said the surgeon will be very pleased with me.
the waiting list is around 6 months so im looking at march/april for my op hopefully!

Thanks everyone for your support over the past few weeks i couldnt have done it without you all (especially bev) love and hugs to you all! i just cant wait to get a life, lol
fab news sweets here s to a new you xxx
Keeley really pleased for you, well done x
Thanks everyone! how long have you been waiting bea bea? your at the same hossie rnt you? did they tell you 6 months? xxxxxx
I bet you are smiling keeley..
well I said today was going to be good and it has....
Not long now ..the surgery is in sight....
I am really pleased for you hun x x x x
Thanks! i am realli pleased! it doesnt seem 2 mins since my apointment in july so im sure it will fly by, then ill be on that loosers bench sat beside bev! yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! lol xxxx
am so pleased for you hun, you deserve to be smiling at last!
Im so chuffed for you Keeley :D I know the feeling of that eprmanent smile on your face when they tell you your on the list, it will get even bigger when they give you a date for surgery ;) well done hun X
That's excellent news Keeley. I'm very very happy for you love. xxxx
Well done Keeley. Carry on the good work.

no hun - i 1st thaught so when they told me i wouldnt be on the list for 3 month then the list is 6 month - the thaught of 9 months waiting killed me - but dya no what! 3 months has gone by in a flash so im really excited and i just hope these 6 months pass by just as quick!

love to you all xxx
Keeley the time does go fast, I cant believe its been 2 yrs since I started this journey.....while I was waiting it seemed forever but looking back at it its really flown :D x
we'll you ve got us keeley to while away the time :) xx