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low cal / liquid diet


New Member
27 days ta go n i,m on a low calorie diet, i,m really worried that i wont losse 10% of my weight intime, i start my liquids only diet on the 4th oct n really not lookin forward to that... if i have soup can it be veg with lumps or not could anybody give me any tips on what to have ...:(
One thing you must do is mentally prepare. If you go into it with a defeatist attitude, you're going to get anxious and might get down and this can trigger you to want to eat!

Get into a positive 'Can do' attitude and it will make it so much easier!! It isn't as bad as what you think. Just think of the bright new future ahead of you when you succeed!!

I can't advise on the diet as I was on the milk/yoghurt one. Take advice off your own team as areas are different!
Just a question; on the liquid diet can you have stuff like Slimfast shakes etc., or do you follow a particular diet set by your hospital?
Thats what i want to find out i,m really not sure what i can n cant have... can ya av hot choc, milk shake, soup with lumps or yogurt with bit of friut ?????.....HELP....!!!!!! :-0