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new Daily Mail story


fabby not flabby :)
She says she wished she had lost weight by diet and exersize,but the end result would be the same!Plus she would regain as we all know.She should push for a tummy tuck on the nhs as they say you are entitled to 1 plastic surgery if found to be nessesary.
What a load of Bull, she's obviously sold this story to get money for some cosmetic surgery, talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. I could care less if i look like a deflated balloon after my surgery at least life will be worth living.
I felt the same Nadine But I now look at myself and think I got to get rid of this skin its vile and ugly
I think she probably knew she'd have excess skin, but not how bad it would look.Plastic surgery after wls isn't available in every pct, as some see it purely as a cosmetic procedure:(:(
My skin isn't too bad yet, but i'm only half way there and can imagine wanting surgery when i'm finisished losing weight as the skin folds will get me down:(
To be fair, I fully expect to have a certain amount of excess skin, but would be gutted if I looked like that after. I don't have as much to lose so hopefully mine won't be that bad but I do understand what she's saying. However, it doesn't seem like it has been that long since her op so surely that's one of the reasons the NHS won't pay?? I know different PCTs. different rules but if she fought for it I bet they'd give it to her.
I must admit that I did read this story and my first thought was she's young and has plenty of time to either save for the surgery or try and get some funding. Trouble is teenagers want everything Right Now! lol I hope that selling her story gets her some funds towards the skin lifts she hopes to have but I suspect that it wont pay that much.
What a load of Bull, she's obviously sold this story to get money for some cosmetic surgery, talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. I could care less if i look like a deflated balloon after my surgery at least life will be worth living.

I agree, Try getting a job and saving like 90% of us.
With looking at her photo she doesnt seem very sad to me!! I always go off facial study and I can tell a lot from that. I think deep down she wanted to shout out hey look at the weight ive lost!! she certainly doesnt seem to regret her surgery at all if you study her expresions;) one little bit. Thats my motto anyway. Gail x P.s thanks sal quite an interesting read babe.
i think the more weight you have to lose the worse it gets as its stretched much farther. i would like to lose about 10 stone and im not that big really (i fit into a newlook 18 top) so am hoping with my age as well my skin won't be as bad as im worrying myself silly over. perhaps in 10 years i'll be able to afford to have the excess skin removed like when i've had time to save up for it but i certainly wouldn't be demanding it immediately, what a silly girl did she expect to just shrink back to a "perfect 10" stupid niave child definitely.
I also read this story and I think the whole thing can be summed up in the last paragraph where her Mum says if she didn’t have it she would have died. Personally, I expect my skin to look worse than that when I have lost my weight (if I lose, I still think I will be the one person that defines medical history and not lose anything lol). I know I will have excess skin and it is a very small price to pay for the benefits of weight loss, health etc.

Also, I wonder it she had a psychological assessment before hand. Surely part of the assessment is to monitor the patients expectations about what life will be like post surgery.

It seems a shame that she regrets her surgery when obviously it has been very successful. I suspect if she was older and wiser she would view things differently.
Interesting read, i'm top heavy very!...i carry weight on my face and tummy and chest of course.
I dont want to wear a bikini or anything anyway but if i had alot of skin on my tum i'd probably need it doing but would expect to have to pay myself. I'll have plenty of time to save for that i suppose.
I can see why she wants it done and think they must of known she'd need some skin removing as she lost so much weight, i think they could do her tummy at least. After all she gained her weight whilst a minor unlike me..or maybe her mum should pay!
I think it's terribly ungrateful for her to say she wishes she never got the surgery done. I'm having to pay privately for mine. I'm sure I too would have lots of loose skin, but at least I'd be heathier. Looking better shouldn't be your number one reason for having weight loss surgery in the first place.
Im sure the money earnt from newspapers magazines and tv will more than cover any costs for the op.
That would be by main motive for advertising my story if i ever needed an op.
Im sure the money earnt from newspapers magazines and tv will more than cover any costs for the op.
That would be by main motive for advertising my story if i ever needed an op.
Oh yea I never thought of that;)Good idea:D:D