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Oh No Coldsore!! :(


New Member
Oh no I woke up this morning with massive coldsore!
You would think with all the fruit and veg, i'd be dead healty but really am finding the pre op really hard going but not long now!! :)
poor you :( i don't get them but hubby does and they're really not nice for you , i hope it goes away soon for you xx
Thanks hun,
they are not nice and for such little thing, they hurt so much, :) xx
I feel your pain, no Cold sore but I do have a mouth ulcer :( Hope your feeling better soon and Good Luck with the pre-op :D
Hi hun I have got 2 cold sores my lip swelled so much my throat was killing I went to the doctors and he told me that because I have had my op my immune system isn't working very well so my cold sores have attacked everything so hes given me some tablets, I started taking them Wed and by Fri the swelling had gone and I am now left with 2 scabs had to take these tablets 5 times a day, but I know where you are coming from so painful. Hope you feel better soon with them hun xx
awwh thank you,
i hope you both feel better soon and keep smiling :) xx

My wife suffers from cold sores and suffered for years with little help from the medical profession. Although acyclovir does help now but for years it was not prescribed. What I found that was a big help was an electrical device that exposes the virus to infrared right, provided she used the machine at the fist itchy stage the cold sore often didn't progress.

I got it from my local lloydes chemists and it ost about £15. Well worth every penny.

I was given one by my dr a couple of years ago to try and it def works. I would not be without it, the minute I feel the tingle of a cold sore I start using it . Good luck!!