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Hi Margaret

I have a merina coil which is slightly different to the normal coil. I had my smear earlier this year and it came back normal. Not sure how endocervical cells differ from any other cervical cells so I can't help I'm afraid, just didn't want to read and run. Also wanted to wich you allt he very best with the hozzie tests. Take care Xx
Hi Swizzlestick
I have the merina coil in as well . I just got this for google . Only I haven`t gone on the change yet . Thanks for your comments hun . MARGARET XX

Q: Every time I go for my yearly Pap smear exam, my cytology report comes back saying "no endocervical cells present." My ob-gyn says this is not unusual after menopause. I keep thinking if they are not looking at cervical cells, then what good is the Pap test for me? I could have cervical cancer and it would not be detected. What is your thought on this dilemma, and what can I do about it?

A: A Pap smear involves lightly scraping the surface of the cervix to collect cells. A pathologist then examines a Pap smear under a microscope, looking for two types of cervical cells: squamous cells, which are typically found in the outer surface of the cervix, and columnar endocervical cells, which come from the lining of the narrow opening in the cervix leading to the inside of the uterus (the endocervical canal). Pathologists report on the appearance of both types of cells, and they report if no endocervical cells are seen, as in your case. Your ob-gyn is correct that this is not unusual in a woman who has gone through menopause. The reason is that after menopause, the cervix may be less pliable and the transformation zone (the section of the endocervical canal where squamous cells begin to change to columnar cells) moves higher up the cervical canal, making it more difficult to routinely obtain endocervical cells. However, in a premenopausal woman, the transformation zone is fairly close to the opening of the cervix, allowing the smear to capture both types of cells easily.
It will probably be reassuring to you to know that all the Pap smears that you have had did indeed look at the surface cells of the cervix, so the test has still been useful. Women whose Pap smears show no endocervical component but who have had otherwise normal results and are not seeing abnormal bleeding or other symptoms generally do not need another Pap smear performed until the next annual examination.
At your next yearly exam, you could discuss with your ob-gyn your concern about prior Pap smears lacking an endocervical component. He or she may be able to make a special effort to reach the endocervical canal with the Pap instrument. Sometimes, if it is difficult to reach the cervical canal, a small brush can be inserted into the canal to obtain the endocervical component.
do you have pcos if so could this affect it as it alters the hormone levels in your body?
Hi I have the mirena coil and have had smears,have to always go back as they cant get enought cells but thats me not the coil as I have 3 c-sections as my cervix doesnt work :eek: tmi soz.....
But my last smear this year was normal and I didnt have to go back but the nurse had over 30 years experience and this is the 1st time ive never had to go back.
Hi size102b
I had 2 c-sections as well I thought we were too posh to push lol . No I`ll be glad to get it all sorted and put my mind at rest hopefully soon .
Good luck and take care .

You havent heard the way I talk Im no way posh lol
I have pcos too maybe its all linked,my flipping cervix wouldnt open after 18 hours of real pain!!!!
Ah hope you get it sorted arent we women lucky ?xx