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mamma mia

New Member
Oh my god just sneezed for the first time since my op thought my sides were gonna split anyone else had this feeling!'

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
Had that after my hystorectomy !! grab a cushion and hug it if you can xx
Oh thought I was dying lol and now got bloody twinges in my left hand side again aarrhghhhh

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
I too got and still get lots of sneezing fits since my op. I had open surgery and believe me it was very uncomfortable to sneeze over and over. I used a rolled up towel and pressed it towards my stitches and it helped enormously. Nowadays (10 weeks post op) I can sneeze away without feeling any pain internally... :)

Grab a cushion, teddy or roll a towel up in readiness and you will be fine x
doesnt sound good xx