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Surgeon didn't tell me he bypassed my brain!


New Member
Our two boys with ADHD have an appointment this morning with the consultant.

I phoned school yesterday and told them they wouldn't be in school until later in the morning. I set an alarm on my phone and laptop to remind me and they did - over an hour ago.

And then I sent the boys to school :eek:

I'm losing the plot! I had to drive to school when I took Xander to nursery and intercept them at the school doors. I was there at the gate screaming "Kieran, Cameron, don't go in. Come here!" Goodness knows what the other pupils/parents thought, let alone the few teachers scattered around.
:D:D:D:D thats the kinda thing id do :D
ooops for got to add, Good luck with the consultant xx
hahaha soooo glad its not just me ;) good luck today hun xxx
It went better than I thought. The usual consultant retired 18 months ago and since then we've seen a different doctor each visit but now the post has been filled permanently and he's a lovely doctor.

Both boys have been prescribed melatonin to help them settle down for sleep at night (they can still be up, active and prowling the house at 1, 2 even 4am :eek:).

Cameron has been referred to the clinical child psychologist for his anger issues. And Kieran has been referred to a dietician for his complete lack of appetite.

All in all good results for us. Feeling positive about this new consultant - he actually listened to me :)
Awww Karen, bless you ! And thank for making me smile this morning ! :D
thats good news Karen so glad they are helping your boys sometimes it seems to take ages and a lot of fight from mums to get the help you need im glad its all getting sorted for you :D xx
Oh Dawn it did take a big fight at the beginning when we were getting them diagnosed. Well, for Kieran it did. He has the worst, most obvious sypmtoms and was referred for assessment first after much fighting, insisting and crying on my part.

One day we had to take Cameron with us and the consultant then (our original, again a lovely man) said to us "Would you object to me assessing Cameron as well, I think he too has ADHD." We were gob smacked, we thought he was just badly behaved.

Ah Rose, if I told you lot on here all the daft, silly things I do you'd have me committed lol :D
Happy to hear you had a good appointment Karen, they just mentioned those tablets on This Morning, Chris Steele. They were doing a bit about insomnia, wasnt paying much attention but I recognised those tablets when you said the name. Hope the boys do well on them and you can get some restful nights :D XX
so glad you had a good outcome x
LOL at your brain bypass! Could it be hunger? and sounds like possibly lack of sleep too?

My eldest saw a child psychologist for year for his anger/rage issues (he has kidney disease and M.E.) she has been the making of him in many ways, and has transformed our lives.
I hope you find the same with your son.
Bless you. Children's problems....wouldn't we rather have it ourselves than see our kids struggle and suffer?
Wishing you some good nights' sleep pet. xxx
Firstly, your new consultant sounds marvellous and am glad you had such a positive meeting!

Secondly, it took me five minutes (at least) last Friday to remember which car park i'd parked in at work (i work in a hospital) only for me to remember on my way down the stair well that i'd parked right outside the door and forgot my phone which was on my desk lol :) :) I'm putting it down to old age lol xx
LOL Julie.

Once, years ago so I can't blame my age, I came out of work and couldn't remember where I had parked my car. We had two big car parks but I also sometimes parked on the street. Anyway walked around for about an hour before I remembered where I parked it and realised there was broken glass on the floor there - the car had been stolen!

Guess where it had been parked? On the street, directly outside our security office window :rolleyes:
Glad it went Karen you mad eme laugh though. My sister once turned up at my house for our morning coffee, sat down and after about 5 mins she screamed "Oh my God I've left Michelle outisde Preedy's in her pushchair" Michelle was 9 months old at the time and she is now almost 30. In those days it was common to leave prams with babies in while you popped into the shop. You just wouldn't even contemplate it now even for a second would you? How times have changed eh? Now it seems such a stupid thing for her to do and she still has nightmares about it. Michelle still jokes now that her mom tried to lose her!

Linski xxx
My hubby left our son outside Kwik Save once, came home with the shopping and I said have you took Ryan to your Mums........he went :eek: and legged it out of the house......he returned a few minutes later with the baby ........Unbelievable!! XX
Actually Linski just today I saw a pram left outside a shop with the baby in. I couldn't believe it :eek: We live in a tiny town - more like a village - but I would NEVER do that!
I very nearly did kill him lol....he still gets earache over it today :D Ryans 21 this week, and he still hasnt lived it down! :D XX
Oh my word Jac... that is my worst nightmare... it must have seemed like hours to get that one sorted... time just stands still where children and danger are concerned... love and hugs xxx