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Surgical Stockings!


New Member
Just wondering how long everybody was told to keep them on for after there op? Ive been told 6 weeks which is fine but it just seems like such a long time. I didnt have to have them on that long when I had my veins done!!!
I took mine off as soon as I was discharged. If your mobile I don't think they are needed for that long. Just check with your doctor to be on the safe side.
Thanks ladies as you said every hospital is different. Who knows if I keep them on long enough my legs might be thinner(NOT!!).
I was never given any as my legs were 2 fat and did not have any probs x
I too was told 6 weeks...going on week 4 and they keep falling down :( after much to-ing and fro-ing from GP to nurse to chemist to GP.....I have finally found out how to get a replacement pair....buy them at Boots!! So going in to get measured in the morning:D
I never had any - I am still alive ;)

Each hospital has its own rules on this and its best to follow them.
2 weeks for mine. I lasted ten days and then my legs got too itchy lol.
Was told to wear them till I stopped the Clexane injections


they were so tight I took them off when I got home - they were the largest and cutting my legs so badly they were doing more harm than good.

After my second knee replacement I had one on my good leg and never put one on the operated leg. T
After the first knee they insisted we put one on the operated leg - it was agony!!

I think tight badly fitting stockings are more dangerous than not having them!!

Ritsa embrace your stockings........ it was flipping cold outside today! I'd have happily wore a pair whilst stood outside the MOT garage waiting 40 minutes for a taxi grrr xx
Never gave me any at the Manor as they didn't have any big enough for me - as long as you are mobile and having your injections you will be fine to ditch them BUT only if you have no circulatory problems in your family.

Sending hugs and fairy dust to all xx
Just wondering how long everybody was told to keep them on for after there op? Ive been told 6 weeks which is fine but it just seems like such a long time. I didnt have to have them on that long when I had my veins done!!!
Hi i took mine off after 4 days i was walking just fine by then so didnt need them also i was given the same size to bring home so they were to big to use anyway .
I'm like Helen

I phoned Anna she said try keep on as long as poss but for me the were round my ankle within a couple days. I carried on doing injections till all gone and was a little more mobile

Hi i wasnt told how long to wear them, kept them on for a few days while i was immoblie then took the bl***y things off as soon as i was up and about.
I tried to wear some in the hospital but they were very tight and then when the surgical team came round they took them off. I have some of my own that were made for me as I have lymphoedema but I only wear them if I am going to be standing for any lenght of time. I would listen to your doctors though
Not good advice I am afraid! They should be worn for at least 4 - 6 weeks and only removed for up to 30mts. each day. This is alongside the injections or tablets I took after my knee replacements. Some of you have obviously been lucky, the ones that were'nt so lucky are not here to post! This advice is from one of the North East's top surgeons, Mr. O'Brien at Sunderland Royal. After all we go through, a bit more inconvenience could be a life-saver! Regards, Paul x