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Update on everything.


New Member
A quick update for you all. Well I'm not losing weight again even though I struggle with foods getting stuck proving I have restriction. Slider foods go down hence why I can manage 2 to 3 weetabix instead of the half I was told would be sufficient so who knows what to do next?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I find out on monday hopefully the results from the multiple tests I've been having at Weston Park hospital. The pressure on my brain at the moment is unbearable at times and is causing me great difficulty with my vision so fingers crossed they get it sorted.
Now for the good news. I'm going to have a grandson in april. My son has finally come to terms with the fact he's going to be a daddy and has now got to grow up and take responsibility for his actions of a one night stand. I can't believe I was saying that one of my reasons for wanting to lose weight was so I could be healthy for when I had grand children and now I'm getting one lol. I should have said I wanted to lose weight for WHEN I won the lottery lol and see if that came true.
Take care and I will keep popping on to check up on you all lol.xxxx
Hi ya gaynor
Slider foods wont fill you up for long and as you say you can eat more of them. Do you have much protein in your diet and do you have any idea how many cals you have per day. I put sanatogen protein powder (boots have it at the moment although it is being discontinued early nxt yr) in my coffee and hot choc during the day and it does help me feeling full in between meals.
congratulations on grandchild news thats fab. maybe it could have been the lottery - youll never know...lol..
good luck with your test results.
Hi Gaynor, it is so lovely to see you posting.

Ive got my fingers firmly crossed for Monday. Please do let me know how it goes.

No good advice re the band I'm afraid. I guess the golden rules are the same as for bypass - plenty of fluids and protein. Thats as much as I can offer in the way of help I'm afraid hun. xx
Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! You must be so thrilled! I wish I could help more with the slider foods but I am not clued up on bands. Good luck for tomorrow!
Hi Gaynor

Lovely to see you back. Sorry your struggling at the moment, maybe a good look at your diet would help. Im afraid Ive got more questions than answers though.

You mentioned your eating more slider foods because things are still getting stuck. What kind of things are getting stuck? I know you had a small defill have things still been as bad since?

As the others have mentioned make sure you keep your fluids up and aim for around 1,000 calories a day - more if your more active. Not enough calories = no loss. Plenty of protein, veg and fruit and not so much carbs. If certain foods are getting stuck are you chewing them enough if you are then rule them out for now.

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow hun and congrats on being a soon to be grandma x x
Is the food getting stuck on the first mouthful? If so they you may need to chew more (I chew about 25 time min each mouthful). If it is after a few mouthfuls then make sure it isn't actually you are full (the band is working).

I used to mistake getting stuck and being full. Avoid slider foods as they don't fill you up (and normally don't have enough protein in them). You should only be able to eat about 60 - 100g of food in one sitting. This is a very small amount for some and therefore when you are full you mistake it for food getting stuck.

Also, have you measured yourself? When I stall I find that the inches are coming off.

Congratulations on being a grandmother!!
sorry to hear you are having probs with your band Gaynor, I hope it all gets sorted out soon.
Great news about your grandson, something to look forward to
Good luck with your appt and results

Jay xx
Hi Gaynor

Firstly and most importantly i hope the test results come back and you get your problem with the pains sorted....

Secondly congratulations on becoming a grandma, it must have been a shock but your son is showing what a fab job you did bringing him up by standing up and being a daddy. You'll be a fab grandma, it is wonderful.

Lastly, i hope all the advice from above and those to follow me helps you resume weight loss.

Keep your spirits up xxx
Hey Gaynor!

It has been ages.
I'm so sorry to hear about the problems with your head... A few years back i was having awful headaches, and ended up having a couple of lumbar punctures at sheff hosp... so i know vaguely how your feeling... i hope its all good news :)

I'm glad you have things sorted with your son, and I bet your excited o be a grandma! He is doing you proud by sticking by her :)

I hope your weight loss gets moving again soon, I imagine with everything else thats been going on, your focus hasnt been on your food, so i'm sure when you have more time you can put more thought into how to get it moving again! - just a thought, are you sure your having enough cals in the day, your not starving yourself a wee bit?

Anyway, fingers crossed for your results, and congrats again!!!
