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I have tons of clothes as I like to shop, less so in the latter months as I refused to buy more when I knew I was having the op...now four weeks later I am able to start wearing some of the clothing again. Yesterday I wore a lovely pair of black trousers that hang ever so nicely and a lovely length with my heels, they have only been worn a couple of times. When I got out of the car at work they were looser than I first thought and I spent the day feeling sexy....only a small thing but something that makes this feel all worth while....xx
Thats excellent, you should be so proud of yourself, I'm waiting for this feeling too.... well done!!
Linda- that totally rocks!!! I can't wait to start shrinking into clothes!
As Alia said, you should be proud of yourslef :D :happy096: :clap::happy036:
Xxx Lizzie xxX

Well done and thanks for sharing
you are doing sooo well
It feels great doesn't it, I found that sometimes I was still wearing clothes and they were far too big so I guess I still looked bigger than I actually was. Tonight I'm having a night of listing lots of clothes on e-bay!

Well done hun xx
Thanks Nic I normally slop around the house in my PJ's getting dressed if I needed to go out and putting my PJ's straight back on when I got home again as nothing else was comfy...I found today I stayed in my jeans and never really noticed...lol....what joy....xx
enjoy the feeling with your trousers, unfortunately it wont last long, because another week or two and they wont fit at all.. smaller sizes here you come.. congrats Bridie X
Went across to Bolton today to visit my mate who has not seen me since the op, we went out walking her dog and all of a sudden she stopped dead in the street (my mate not her dog) and said that she had just realised I was not out of breath! It is amazing how losing only a small amount can have such a profound affect on your health symptoms. I did indeed do the whole walk and talked all the way without once getting out of breath, prior to surgery I could not walk and talk at the same time without puffing, mind you the down side was I was bliddy cold lol...small price to pay though...xx
well done linda thats a great achievement ! To keep warm invest in a nice hat gloves and scarf set, i so need mine as im always cold since weight loss.

liz x
Hey that totally rocks!!! I think if you had the choice- you would rather be slimmer, healthier, cold and wearing a scarf & hat than fat and out of breath and without a hat!! ;)
Keep it up :party0011:
Xxx Lizzie xxX