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whats cookin tonight guys??...


New Member
haa soooo come on whats for tea??.... im having thin bits of steak no fat!! with some mushrroms on brown bread and lil mustard x
That sounds great... more or less the types of meals that I am preparing... I tend to have cut down on potatoes and boil broccoli or mushrooms regularly... but I have a weakness for gravy! So I just make it as light and weak as I can and it's working so far.... xxx
We had spag bol with grated parmesan and garlic bread. I didn't have any spaghetti, but have to confess I had some garlic bread, it was bloody yum!

Have got sugar free jello for pudding but waiting til kids are asleep to properly relax and enjoy it. Have promised myself a vodka and sugar free red bull for later :)

enjoy your voddy rose!!! xx hey beverly thats what im doind i could live off carbs! so im trying to train myself that i dont need them and get use to not having them xx
enjoy your voddy rose!!! xx hey beverly thats what im doind i could live off carbs! so im trying to train myself that i dont need them and get use to not having them xx

I used to really crave carbs (before op), but now I can take or leave them, and I haven't craved them at all since before the op, I think I have been lucky as my will power is weak!
Sounds yummy!

I had half an inside of a jacket pot, half a burger and some salad (smidgy bit of hellmans mayo too mmmm)

ooo that sounds nice!! mm mm mayo! i like to call it the devils sauce! im a mayo girl rather than tom sauce ;-p xx
I'm trying to get in the habit of change... I am a little bit in the dark in relation to the dietary guidance as I am still awaiting my first letter. So I am just leaning towards taking out potatoes and starchy things... going towards green vegetables, and growing my own which helps to maintain my interest. I have enough veg thriving in my garden to feed an army! My neighbours here in Wales will share... but I am doing my best and I do think that it helps your skin and general wellbeing... let's move forward together. We will all be waiting together Kelly. Much love xxx
Ive had about 1/2 of a ready meal - M&S Ham and mushroom tagliatelle. im stuffed!
Ive had grilled sea bass, green beans and salad - put about 5 potato wedges on my plate but could only eat one :eek:
i had a scoop of beans, scoop of tin toms, rasher of bacon, 1 egg, 1/4 low fat tesco light choices cumberland sausage.

was going to be shepards pie and veg but couldnt be bothered :D
I had a slimfast and a portion of babybel light and a packet of Belvitas....after swimming 14 lengths of a pool....!

Not very exciting but filled a hole.
I had some mashed potato with cheese and a bit of milk, must admit it didn't go down too well, maybe too early for me, back to liquids tomorrow xx
tikka masala a low fat version tho, im trying to behave meself lol
i love this thread :) maybe cos im so nosey... bit like in the mags when they look in celebs fridges haha xxx
Shall I tell you what I had for lunch then too?

It was 4 dairylea triangles, each triangle smeared onto a slice of quorn ham and folded in half. And a couple of extra slices of the quorn ham that I ate while making it. And breakfast was a coffee and a custard cream - bad I know, but I was in the local cafe and they put it on the saucer! Could have been worse though, I would have killed for a fry up.
